Don McPeak-USA TODAY Sports
Former Vanderbilt QB and younger brother of Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers, Jordan Rodgers, is not too happy with his former program and Tuesday jumped on Twitter to let the world know about it. And he doesn't hold back...

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Filed Under: SEC Football
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TigerB8127 months
Most of the big schools let the former players come back and train. It helps with recruiting and builds tradition. Vandy doesn't have an "official" athletic program or athletic director. The sports report to the chancellor. This speaks volumes in where the school values athletics. I see his point because they made some ground breaking progress with Vandy in the last few years with out a real athletic dept. Vandy could capitalize and keep the ball rolling. However, they just don't value athletics and Jordan shouldn't be too surprised.
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Florida225127 months
he mad
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GeeOH127 months
LOL at you who side with Vandy on this one. When you open a venue of any kind, the most you could ever pray for is to be able to tell your recruits they will have access to alumni and pro athletes who come back to mentor and train with them. And then, as a university, you tell those players they need to be members like it is a gym!?

That's idiotic! What if the alumni sent a bill for their services after training their athletes over the summer?

Or worse, these alumni aren't going to show and your true "enrollment" will be substantially less, which would ironically put you in a larger financial bind with the facility...

Players will stop signing there and currents will leave (already happenning) if you stake your entire program on the coach and not on the school and how it treats alumns!

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SamGinn Cam127 months
"Also what did you sacrifice."

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scrooster127 months
lulz at both Rodgers and Vandy.
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JimmyHDeridderhigh127 months
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Foolish cock127 months
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bkirby2127 months
I hear what he is saying, but I also see another side. It is silly that they wouldn't let players come back and help out. But in the same breath, the building of the program I am sure was a mutual benefit. Also what did you sacrifice. you were on scholarship, now afforded an opportunity to play on the highest level, you owe something to the institution as well.
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TeagleTheBeagle127 months
Well.. If that's actually what's going on, that's a dick move by Vandy. But then again, they aren't an uber rich program for them to be able to that.
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