Our teams may be enemies on the field, but off the field, we are all one SEC conference. Here's the story of a recent Texas A&M grad who lost his "Aggies Ring" celebrating a blocked field goal touchdown at the end of the first half of this past weekend’s game at Auburn. After looking for it all weekend, the Auburn staff found the ring on Monday, and returned it to the grad in Houston. That's the short version, here's it all in his own words...
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Filed Under: SEC Football
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betweenthebara118 months
that's some damn good bull right there aubies.
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GusAU118 months
No you don't.

But that was a funny line.
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trippnbama118 months
Hope A&M returns the favor and helps Auburn find their defense.
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LSU 318 LSU118 months
Well done by Auburn. Nice to see that there are still some good people out there yet we have fans that yell "F**K You Saban" to the man that resurrected LSU football. Gotta love it.
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LSU 318 LSU118 months
Well done by Auburn. Nice to see that there are still some good people out there yet we have fans that yell "F**K You Saban" to the man that resurrected LSU football. Gotta love it.
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