Favorite team:Ole Miss 
Location:neither here, nor there
Biography:I am the actual ghost of Tad Smith Coliseum
Number of Posts:17
Registered on:4/6/2017
Online Status:Not Online

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France isn't France anymore...

re: Ramen advice

Posted by Tad Pad on 4/12/17 at 9:18 am
Saltine in Jackson, MS makes some of the prettiest/best tasting ramen you'll come across....
You copied/wrote all that to make $0.01 you must have a really pathetic life....
When we used to take the field led by a chopper motorcycle....
I really like Alex, but most of the shite he hypes up turns out to be duds. I feel as though most of the time he gets it in his head that he has some source or something that never even really existed. One thing he is right on is the propaganda the media and fortune 500 companies push on us eve...
[quote]He's Matt Jones with a stronger arm[/quote] nope...
It's been 2.9 months, man. 2.9 months. It's gonna be a long 3 years and 9.1 months for you guys. It really is. When you count little things like this as "victory" for your side. You know you guys have been defeated. :usa:...

re: World is overpopulated

Posted by Tad Pad on 4/10/17 at 10:07 am
You are 100% right on this. Most people don't want to believe it, but the smart ones know it's true - even if they just try to ignore it....
Is "Ameican" kinda like American + Mexican (Meheecan)?...