Favorite team:Arkansas 
Number of Posts:14
Registered on:11/25/2006
Online Status:Not Online

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You can vote through the Voice app which is free. Of course I think everyone should do it because it's free and he's one of ours. But I know not everyone participates like that. So let me say that if you like country music and that Lee Brice song, Baber's iTunes studio version is absolutely wort...
Barrett is a friend that I've known since college. I've been listening to his music for more than a decade. I wrote the promotional review of his last album that appears on his website. So you could say I'm a fan. I've watched him play at Grumpy's and Flying Saucer and Dugan's and everywhere els...
It started with Wisconsin fans, and they certainly use it derisively. But many Arkansas fans have begun to use it as a term of endearment. You see... Bert is a caricature. Half man, half myth. Not so much Paul Bunyan as his blue ox Babe. At the end of the 7th day when God looked down on his cre...

re: LR venues, I have a request.

Posted by bakervscarrr on 12/25/13 at 8:26 pm
Maybe you don't see the wave as much in Fayetteville because it's more of a second half thing? ...
Woopigger by trade. RMPL is ingrained. This post just increased my post count by 11%. frick. ...
The NWA/ LR trolling is so tiresome. I've never understood it. I love both areas. I love going to games in both places. I cannot imagine not going to either location purely on principle. Plenty of people on both sides of the fence cutting off their nose to spite their face. I think this compromi...

re: Which one of you is this?

Posted by bakervscarrr on 10/29/13 at 2:19 pm
Damn duplicate. Apologies. ...

re: Which one of you is this?

Posted by bakervscarrr on 10/29/13 at 2:19 pm
[img]https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/s720x720/1396033_613208088736040_921498792_n.jpg[/img] SWAT training at WMS this morning... most firepower the Old Grey Lady will see all season. H/t to Forbidden Hillcrest. I hate that some (SOME) from NWA feel the need to look down ...
The pathetic douche actively tracks who follows and unfollows him with some special app or program. Tweets a report about how many follows and unfollows he gets every day. It's really kind of pitiful. Now he's actively begging for Aggie followers. Definitely has issues. This is the kind of dumba...
I would love for the kid to have a huge game. I guess Bama has a different narrative for what happened. In Roll Bama Roll's (Bama SBN site) preview of the Arkansas defense, the author mentioned that Bama fans may remember Philon's name as he was one "who decommitted from Alabama, ultimately sign...

re: Open letter from BVC

Posted by bakervscarrr on 10/16/13 at 11:47 am
[quote]Who is BVC and why should i care what they have to say[/quote] You really shouldn't care. I am a total know-nothing blowhard. Been reading The Rant a long time. If I can ever figure out to keep track of who's trolling who at what time, I'll try to post more. Thanks for reading, y'a...