Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
Location:a glasscase of emotion
Occupation:Taxman @ The Man
Number of Posts:4217
Registered on:10/11/2012
Online Status:Not Online

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Gary has always wacked to Bama. CBS shoulda ditched him ages ago....
Ain't no somehow to it. tGrind is going in dryyyyyy!...
Dear Georgia, You're gonna have a bad time come Saturday, but you just aren't worth tGrind's time. Sincerely, Taxman...
Every single year the common LSU reply is: It used to be funny, now it's just sad. Broken record! Y'all know... We know it.... Everybody knows it! State is going to beat some Tiger tail this Saturday! WOOOOO I can feel it in my plums!! ...

re: Grindfest 2017!

Posted by TaxmanMSU on 9/13/17 at 6:58 am

re: Fond memories at State

Posted by TaxmanMSU on 9/13/17 at 6:55 am
John Bond is the ultimate badass. Dos Equis mirrored the Most Interesting Man after him. ...

re: Grindfest 2017!

Posted by TaxmanMSU on 9/12/17 at 6:25 pm
:bow: :bow: :bow:...

re: Grindfest 2017!

Posted by TaxmanMSU on 9/12/17 at 5:30 pm
:cheers: Fitz is like the actor that played the Russian in Rocky, but instead of being a dumb brawny communist he's a actually a really smart brawny guy with multiple doctoral degrees in physics. FITZ IS ABOUT TO GET PHYSICal ON THAT LSU HIND!...

Grindfest 2017!

Posted by TaxmanMSU on 9/12/17 at 5:04 pm
Welcome Shitlords! It's The Taxman coming out of his hibernation to summon forth the powers of tGrind! Bow down before your Lord and Masters from the long dead Miss State Board (What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger!) Grindfest is officially [ON!]OFF. This year ...
[quote]A big reason for this is newly[/quote] NOPE! Gonna stop ya right there. The failures of your University are not new or recent. You are the bastard step-child of the SEC and need to be kicked out. OUT OUT OUT!...
Hell yeah! Boars doing God's work. Deus Vult!...
How's your admissions going? Oh it's dog shite and your school is dog shite? Yes...yes it is. GTFO...
This sounds terrible. Cable is a big/loud personality and I don't think Michael Shannon is anywhere near that type of actor. ETA: Sorry, Gambit and Cable were my favorite X-Men characters growing up. The movies haven't been good to Gambit and it doesn't look like Cable is gonna get great treatme...
[quote]A true tRanter would respond with[/quote]... [quote]Member since Jul 2016[/quote] dang son....
IIRC PSVue and SlingTV don't have apps on AppleTV. I only have a 2nd gen AppleTV though....

re: Do you miss Ron Swanson?

Posted by TaxmanMSU on 2/14/17 at 4:44 pm
I do miss Ron Swanson. I'll address all the other posts by saying that Nick Offerman is definitely not like his character. Nick can be very liberal, his wife is very liberal. However, I do have both of his books "Paddle Your Own Canoe" and "Gumption" both are pretty good and I recommend them to ...

re: Ole Miss Fighting the Good Fight

Posted by TaxmanMSU on 1/19/17 at 8:02 am
Every time one of you idiots posts this gif the NCAA tacks another month of investigation..Keep it up buttercup....

re: Top rpgs for iPad?

Posted by TaxmanMSU on 1/9/17 at 9:16 am
I gave up looking about a year ago. Much of the apps that come out are ptp/ptw flashy games with or w/o card game elements. It's a drag. I'd suggest Battleheart Legacy for starters. Also the Baldur's Gate ports are great to play and will occupy quite a bit of time. RPG games made strictly for mob...

re: Stingray Steve

Posted by TaxmanMSU on 12/27/16 at 8:20 am
He has been before, he either got a lot of hate and bounced or it was an alter.. ...