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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:2/12/2008
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I ended up setting up the guest SSID on Google WiFi which is 2.4 only and used it for setting up eufys for my sister and brother in law....
[quote]Show us the law that gives the president the ability to cancel a debt. [/quote] [link=(https://www.congress.gov/110/plaws/publ84/PLAW-110publ84.pdf)]college cost reduction and access act of 2007[/link] [link=(https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/20/1087e)]20 USC 1087e(m)[/link] P...
[quote]I’ve been asking for one thing for a decade now: a no-left-turn onto Burbank from East Boyd [/quote] Highland running through LSU either needs green arrow protected lefts or no left turns allowed (at least during a time period of say 7am -7pm). And the left turns on Perkins between Per...
Is it not part of Independence National Historic Park which is a National Park run by the National Park Services?...
[quote]Only state and city workers in BR are off. Since the house ceremony is still happening Monday, my guess is they still will be off.[/quote] It's a State statutory holiday in BR. When they hold the ceremonial inauguration doesn't ultimately matter....

re: Texas says goodbye to DEI

Posted by LSULaw2009 on 12/29/23 at 9:58 pm
[quote]Are they going to riot in Austin?[/quote] My guess is they'll call it something else and hide it under things like Title IX and other compliance roles....
I think this is what they are alluding to. [link=(https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nola.com/news/politics/jeff-landry-owned-firm-imported-workers-with-help-of-a-felon-who-broke-immigration-laws/article_8fc765b6-4ea2-11ea-928c-770507d55b41.amp.html)]Nola Article from 2020[/link] If there was real...
I would assume the IRS would claim Deliberative Process exception....
They were supposed to be McNeese 's homecoming opponent on Saturday. Nothing like last minute cancellation....

re: LaToya seizing some more power

Posted by LSULaw2009 on 9/22/23 at 9:53 pm
Legislature specifically revoked authority on firearm bans as part of emergency orders (at all levels) in 2020 by [link=(https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1182509)]Act 325[/link]....
I've always felt that belonged to Gillette's commercial singing about pubic hair....
[quote]People "conspire" to do all sorts of things that are illegal in their state but legal in others.[/quote] Happens in same state all the time when someone from a dry county/parish plan a trip to one they can drink legally in....
[quote]students should be allowed to put any flag they want on their truck, no matter how large, as long as it is within the DMV regulations[/quote] Many states also have in their laws that the State highway safety laws preempt any local laws or rules. Louisiana allows for locals to adopt them u...
[quote]Bring back Spuds McKenzie![/quote] The irony of the fact that it was a female dog portraying a male dog mascot seems to fit this whole situation....
I've caught the one on airline (by old Hammond) cutting their meat with beans (on items that don't come with beans) on at least three separate occasions....
The two times I’ve ever won anything big, someone else entered me into the contest. My mom entered my name into some giveaway in the 80s and I won a complete set of the first release Thundercat action figures and play sets (cats lair with the mutant glider and the thunder tank). My grandmother...
[quote]The Goa'uld symbiotes are more snake-like than lizard, but that's an understandable mistake.[/quote] Maybe they have Unas hosts? [img]https://www.gateworld.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/unas_thors-hammer-300x169.jpg[/img]...