Favorite team:Arkansas 
Interests:Guitars and amps
Occupation:Electrical Engineer
Number of Posts:13
Registered on:7/17/2022
Online Status:Not Online

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I guess it’s because when I was a kid only 3-4 of your games in any given season were actually televised, and you had to adjust your rabbit ears and hold your mouth just right to see those, that I’m fine with 720p. I don’t need to see the plaque on their teeth or whatever. Tooth if it’s an Alaba...
Ah, yes. 2009. The year the refs, brazenly, openly, and unabashedly handed Florida the Arkansas game on national t.v. frick Marc Curles right in his stupid arse with a cactus....
Missouri. https://youtube.com/watch?v=-vMfqosdDbY&si=1VccRW0yPL9m7eK2...
Has to be bullshite. I’m incapable of believing that anybody can actually be this stupid....
[quote]Whatever you need to tell yourself to make you feel better. What a win!!! You guys beat Missouri State!!! Throw a parade down Dickson street.[/quote] Okay. See you in Nov., genius....
[quote] Not if you guys don't improve. You nearly lost to our little brother last night.[/quote] Missouri State would beat the frick out of you. That's real talk....

re: Game Changer

Posted by pinkphiloyd on 8/23/22 at 2:55 pm
Just get 4 t.v.’s. They basically just give them away these days....
Can we all just take a minute to remember that Mizzou did this? https://youtu.be/-vMfqosdDbY...
RIP is an acronym for “rest in peace.” Putting “in peace” after it is completely redundant. But then again, I’d expect nothing less from an ignorant, inbred hillbilly....
[quote]A&M plays 4- gumps, Miami, ole piss and the piggies [/quote] Are those OOC games? Did I not get the memo?...
I can’t think of anything gayer than not liking Tom Petty. Wildflowers is one of the greatest records of all time. That’s an objective fact....