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re: In the market for a house...

Posted by armytiger96 on 5/9/24 at 9:22 pm
[quote]Betting on wage growth is a risk I would not take.[/quote] To each their own. I'm not advocating buying a house you can't afford at your current salary. I'm suggesting stretching your house note as much as you are comfortable with stretching it and maintain the minimum lifestyle that ...

re: In the market for a house...

Posted by armytiger96 on 5/9/24 at 5:12 pm
[quote]As someone who experienced rapid salary growth, this is not sustainable[/quote] No one said anything about sustainable which is why I said over the next 10 years. [quote]Assuming you're in the early stages of career you will likely see significant wage growth over the next 10 years.[/q...

re: In the market for a house...

Posted by armytiger96 on 5/8/24 at 8:16 pm
[quote]I think buying on hopes of wage increase is very very risky. If you factor in wage increases you have to factor in unemployment and layoffs[/quote Not if he and or his wife is in a technical profession that requires a BS, MS, or Doctorate to enter the work force. This is why I asked wha...

re: In the market for a house...

Posted by armytiger96 on 5/8/24 at 11:19 am
[quote]Buy the most house you can AFFORD because you will get absolutely frickED if you have to move soon after you buy to accommodate a growing family.[/quote] Buy as much house as you can afford because you will quickly out grow the house via family growth and accumulation of stuff. What is y...
[quote]Well, that begs the question: What keeps you in Louisiana?[/quote] Friends, family, culture, LSU sports, etc. After four years of school in NY, I chose Ft Polk as my first assignment in order to get back home. After my five years of service was up, I found my house in BR before finding a...
[quote]That number is getting smaller and smaller every year[/quote] Maybe so, however I see it quite frequently. I also see several engineers that move in from out of state and don't leave b/c they love it here. ...
[quote]The thread where everyone complains about LA and never actually move. They just talk about it.[/quote] The irony is this board loves to complain about LA but statistically people are less likely to move away from LA than most other states. We always talk about our best and brightest leavi...
[quote]Randy Travis is cool with this.[/quote] On one hand he is cool with this but on the other hand there is a golden band to remind him of those who wouldn't understand. ...
[quote]I use mine but on long trips will look down and see that I am five miles below the speed limit just plodding behind someone.[/quote] It happens to me as well every now and then. Still exponentially better than traditional cruise control....
[quote]Maryland has beaches, a great bay, pretty farmland, and mountains.[/quote] None of that has anything to do with question presented by the OP. I'm just saying if you list all of the states that border WV, then Maryland would be forgotten more than the others. Kentucky would likely be second...
Maryland is the most forgettable state when answering the question about states that border WV....
[quote]Bonus points if you know the movie that came from.[/quote] Die Hard Vengeance?...
Cruise control is for plebes. Trade the car in and get adaptive cruise control. I drive 30K miles a year as well and will not buy a truck again that doesn't have this feature. ...
I was in the audience for George H Bush's last public address. Slept through most of it!...

re: Rich White People?

Posted by armytiger96 on 5/2/24 at 1:03 pm
[quote]You're pretty confident for someone that doesn't know what they're talking about.[/quote] Please demonstrate that I don't what I'm talking about by linking any article or reference to the town or City of St George prior to Lionel Rainey and Bodi White starting the Petition. In a radio i...

re: Rich White People?

Posted by armytiger96 on 5/2/24 at 12:27 pm
[quote]YEAH WHY DOESN'T THE POST OFFICE RECOGNIZE THIS PLACE!! [/quote] I guess you didn't realize that historically most communities were named when they started to receive mail service or a post office. St George skipped the community phase and will go straight to being the 5th largest city i...

re: Rich White People?

Posted by armytiger96 on 5/2/24 at 9:45 am
[quote]Still they drive this message that somehow this area of EBR Parish was part of city,...it never was.[/quote] This statement is completely disingenuous. It may not have been in the city limits of Baton Rouge but it was definitely part of the Baton Rouge community. If St. George was a co...
[quote]Well yeah, but home prices for a starter home were like $75k not $300k. Huge difference when your interest rate is 7%[/quote] Nope that's when interest rates were 18% in early 80's. Young families were buying 300k+ houses in 2008 at the historically low rates of 7% in late 2000's. Quit...

re: Seeding Centipede

Posted by armytiger96 on 4/27/24 at 10:21 am
Is it too late to seed with Bermuda in Baton Rouge? ...
[quote]And we make fun of them for claiming it. No one cares about 1908. Let it go.[/quote] This...