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Location:Damn Near Loachapoka, Alabama
Number of Posts:211
Registered on:5/11/2020
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[quote]I’d rather see the money be spent on something other than a lot of new IRA salaries, but I’m not worried about being audited. Why are you?[/quote] Lol……..Tell us you’ve never owned or operating anything without telling us you’ve never owned or operated anything...
[quote]This is peak coping.[/quote] This is peak delusion. ...
[quote]Holy shite. Look at all the terrorist supporting down voters in this thread. That’s wild.[/quote] Today’s common Democrat. ...
[quote]Oh wow, The Babylon Bee? That’s a funny comedic outfit right there![/quote] From my observations, they are hilarious to those with a sense of humor. They are infuriating to bitter leftists. ...
[quote]To be honest I cannot believe there are people like you posting this crap. Our country is screwed.[/quote] Translation: I have no intelligent answer to this simple question. ...
[quote]There were more drone strikes/bombings in Trump’s 4 years than there were in the previous 8 years under Obama[/quote] This is not known to be true at all....
[quote]quote: Was his statement false? Yes[/quote] No it isn't....
Yes sir, same here. I will admit I've grown to like the high falutin' motorized automatic trash haul off service....
Thank you sir. However, my conservative numerical mistake only reinforces the point....
[quote]Congressional republicans have made sure of that. No weapons, no missiles, no air defense. That leaves just humans for defense. The republican dream is a reality.[/quote] Lmfao…….278 BILLION to Ukraine, 75 BILLION from the US. You are delusional which is common among leftists. ...
[quote]Not quite correct, he stepped on some gum and is still shuffling around in circles.[/quote] How you doing brother long time no see!...
[quote] But sure. I can be the ignorant one in this little game.[/quote] From what I've seen, you don't really have a choice....
[quote]There’s a serious mental health crisis in this country.[/quote] Yes, especially regarding the ADULTS who are educating and indoctrinating our CHILDREN with absolute false bullshite....

re: Kaidon Salter

Posted by BeehiveTiger on 1/4/24 at 1:23 pm
[quote]Rule #4: Don't make suggestive remarks about the mods' spouses[/quote] These mods have spouses?...
[quote]Downtown. Hank Brown. Downtown. Hank Brown. Do it![/quote] You got it brother...
"lets criticize the nasty woman who did all of this and not her family imo" Part of what makes her nasty is her family....
" If you are referring to immigrants even the briefest study of the topic would inform you that they are being driven to the US by climate change. A lot have literally seen their homes turned into ocean by rising sea levels." This is either sarcasm or retardation. ...
More sad is Democrats using poor Americans to enrich themselves....