Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge, La
Number of Posts:6762
Registered on:8/4/2021
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[quote]Okay I can get behind this[/quote] it won’t be Austin, better yet. I’m curious how many games Texas will lose because they are not going undefeated....
[quote]It's better than LSU not paying players.[/quote] you need to fricking listen to More of the interview. Brian Kelly is doing it just that, he is not going to spend money on buying mercenaries and upsetting the locker room. He’s spending the money LSU gets on LSU players....
[quote]LOL[/quote]why is that funny?...
What idiot reasoning and an idiot post ??...

re: Sorry LSU, you’re out…

Posted by Sleepy_Tiger on 5/8/24 at 7:29 pm
And another case of LSU derangement syndrome I see lol [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/lNS2QyzgCDJDX09PMN/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe919hlf2hpuu5tx77fnvb4cw63f9y1iws13qrdh5c0j&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
Every post you make just screams how jealous and insecure you are about LSU and Brian Kelly...
[quote]Guy is a complete imbecile.[/quote]Kinda like the poster who started this thread ...
[quote]Damn I thought a DT committed[/quote]Me too. frick him and his fake Boom...
[quote]He left pitchers in the game too fricking long![/quote]And like clockwork, another fricktard armchair coach comes on crying when things go bad....Bo0 fricking Hoo [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMmY0MmQ5a3NjNmJkeWtudW5pN2wzMnU1Mms1dWJxNTR0bzY4NXQyaiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9n...
lol this thread aged well and went smooth off the railroad tracks… Not quite sure this was what the OP was planning Karma is a bitch lol [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/fA1wRJTkmlKZtnREgX/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91ilnauidwrqsmpziamevpupi24ccvwoo5rqp9qmuy&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[...
Go look at this fricknuts post history. I highly doubt he is an LSU fan. All he does is dog on LSU...
And why you are fricking yourself go change your screen name...
Lol this post screams. I am so jealous and insecure right now when it comes to LSU....
[quote]I used to watch Georgia home games in my stroller on The Tracks, fricknuts. Garrison Hearst and Andre Hastings used to come to my middle school and tell us to exercise and not do drugs. Feel free to shut the frick up[/quote] lol seriously you fricking loser. This whole thread is screaming nothin...
Seriously, shut the frick up loser you trying to say that just screams. I base my life and my self worth on Georgia....
[quote]Only a adult with a 11 year mindset makes mama jokes[/quote] you are correct I sunk to the level of the thread topic. Don’t try to act like you’re the adult in the room when you started a child like topic to begin with and then try backing out of it acting like you’re an adult. It was a st...
[quote]Childlike response[/quote] to a childlike thread...
[quote]'m taking Mulkey she is mean as hell and has a great chin.[/quote]Im taking your mom, they say shes also mean as hell too and has some great head, or is a great head? ...