Favorite team:Vanderbilt 
Location:Nashville, TN
Number of Posts:49
Registered on:5/21/2012
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re: Saturday SEC Baseball

Posted by VandyGold21 on 5/21/22 at 1:33 pm
quote: I mean the color itself looks bad but then they make the accents red white and blue instead of on scheme. It hurts to look at They are military appreciation uniforms. [link=(https://www.tennessean.com/story/sports/college/vanderbilt/2019/02/24/vanderbilt-baseball-army-military-anthem-...

Double post - Vandy Alt Uni's

Posted by VandyGold21 on 8/16/15 at 4:28 pm
Vandy has Jerron Seymour, Brian Kimbrow, and Dallas Rivers. Seymour had 14 rushing TDs last season, most of any returning SEC player along with Bama's Yeldon. Jerron also had over 700 yards rushing. Kimbrow had 350 yds and 3 TDs last season and also clocked a 4.1 40 during summer workouts. River inc...
[img]http://blogs.knoxnews.com/silence/beefcakes.jpg[/img][img]http://gamedayr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/butch-jones-senior-high-school-picture.jpeg[/img] [img]http://usatthebiglead.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/butch-jones-thrusting.gif?w=1000[/img] ...
1. Jordan Matthews [img]http://insidethewarroom.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/matthews-td-run.gif[/img] 2. Zac Stacy [img]http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view7/4652170/zac-stacy-carries-kentucky-defense-over-the-goal-line-o.gif[/img] 3. Jay Cutler [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/3d6f6844a442f...
Vandy is looking pretty good right now. Breezed through their Regional with a cumulative score of 21-4. Fulmer is still dominating and Beede is looking the best he has all season. Bats are coming alive and VU will be hosting their supers if Stanford wins tomorrow. ...
Yes. Coach Mason was in the right field stands along with all the incoming freshman who arrived in town this weekend....
This is Vandy's logo. Sec Rant needs to update it. [img]http://www.tuckerbiddlecombe.com/_Media/vanderbilt-logo-2008.gif[/img]...
NO she did not have an interview. This is an old story. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2013/12/03/vanderbilt-rape-case-brandon-vandenburg-cory-batey-brandon-eric-banks-jaborian-mckenzie/3855681/. They are rehashing this story to get hits....
I'm not trying to act like i'm "in the know". I was defending the victim. I only elaborated when asked to "enlighten us"....
[quote]This Vandy guy has connections[/quote] So what am I suppose to call friends who work in Vanderbilt's athletic department? ...
She isnt saying that now. You need how to learn how read. She said this back in the summer when the cops first question her. The news channels are just bring it back up for ratings. She has no part in the DAs case. It is all video evidence, text and two of the charged players flipping on the others...
When she it never happen it, it was with her initial talks with the police. She was passed out and woke up the next day unaware that any happened. She even had sex again with Vandenburg days later. They had been dating several weeks before the incident. They got caught because they bashed in the doo...
Yall sound like some fricking morons. I pretty sure the only knowledge most of you have of this case is reading the thread title. ...
Sure UK fan, I am sure you know more than me, a Vandy fan living in Nashville with connections to the program....
Dont blame her. She never called the cops or pressed charges. ...
How would you know how Carta Samuels has been looking in practice Bassman?...
Actually she got a married recently and her name got even name porny.... Dawn Kok. Still goes by Davenport for work tho. [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/225252_6405170361_8797_n.jpg[/img] [img]https://sphotos-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/2584_67700640361_1560450_n.j...