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Registered on:3/1/2012
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Good looking bird :cheers: Nice hog too...

re: Official AR-15 thread

Posted by Grunt Actual on 3/14/13 at 9:16 am
It's more of a matter of control of the weapon the farther you grip out the better you can pull the weapon into you and you don't have half the weapon unsupported just hanging in space....

re: Official AR-15 thread

Posted by Grunt Actual on 3/13/13 at 10:24 pm
Casty at the last few posts in this thread :lol:...

No BF3 End Game thread?

Posted by Grunt Actual on 3/12/13 at 7:25 pm
Im downloading it now. Anyone play it yet?...

re: Fish ID help

Posted by Grunt Actual on 3/9/13 at 5:47 pm
GDCK!!!1 Oh wait...
Oh my bad I was thinking like jumping out of an airplane ...
Well which do you wanna know about? Paragliding or parachuting?...

re: FNX-40

Posted by Grunt Actual on 3/9/13 at 2:17 pm
More rounds can't be a bad thing :dunno: I don't have anything against the 40 I just dont think it does anything better than any other rounds Eta: Its supposed to fill a gap that doesnt need filling IMO is a better way to put it...
[quote]Capsize a boat/canoe/yak....... Without losing a gun[/quote] [img]...
:lol: I was just kidding I used to get paid good money to sit out on the back porch an guard my grandmothers garden with a Benjamin I never knew such a little Christian woman could harbor such a deep seated hatred for rabbits :lol:...
I'll start Clear any malfunction of an AR by hand, without sticking some fricking tool into the chamber....
This thread needs to die already It's too many pages for me to catch up and I'm sick of seeing it :lol:...

re: FNX-40

Posted by Grunt Actual on 3/9/13 at 12:23 pm
I don't feel like going to much into it but .40 is a notoriously "snappy" caliber. I'd take 45, 9, and 357 sig over .40 any day but you do you. Personal preference is the most important factor when it comes to firearms and I'd be damned if someone on the Internet talked me out of what I wanted. ...
Yeah krylon makes a FDE that is pretty spot on...

re: Official AR-15 thread

Posted by Grunt Actual on 3/9/13 at 12:00 pm
I drew some voodoo dolls on my mags last deployment that were pretty badass but had to swap them out every time I came back in the wire cause I caught shite a couple of times :lol:...