Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Cultural Center of the Universe
Number of Posts:42
Registered on:11/22/2010
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[quote]That is a Bama blog that is terrible. Guy has zero cred and was a major part of ATPB. [/quote] I guess I had zero cred after I broke the news that your associate AD for compliance had sanctions levied against him by the NCAA. Paul Parker eventually quit AU. I guess I had zero cred after...
[quote]I'll never forget the "body bag" game on Monday night football. I was a youngster at the time but I remember the Redskins having two quarterbacks getting hurt in that game and Brian Mitchell, the RB, had to finish the game at QB for the Redskins. I think like 8 or 9 players were injured in th...
[quote]The 17k tax free is a great attempt at hiding the ball. TR would have to cash in his room and board to get that much for each semester plus a summer term. Thus, he would not only have to pay his car note, insurance and gas, but he also would have to pay rent, utilities, food and etc. for a fu...
[quote]You got another cheesy blog for us today?[/quote] Why yes, I do. Thank you for asking. [link=(http://www.ibleedcrimsonred.com/2011/09/players-get-up-to-17000-in-cash-all.html)]Give me $17k tax free, and I'll gets me an SUV, biatches![/link] Here's a bonus link from a smart dude who p...
[quote]SOOO, private investigators can be arrested for stalking? what's the difference?[/quote] Wait wut? Private investigators? Boogs are now hiring PI's to stalk Bama players? Gahhh, man. Y'all are weird or something....
[quote]Jacobs said Auburn has not complied with open-records requests from The Birmingham News out of respect for the NCAA's process. Over several months, The News has requested documents related to Newton's recruitment and all of Auburn's recent NCAA secondary violations. "Generally, when the NC...
[quote]So, when they stick to the "No Comment" line they are hiding stuff and trying keep anyone from finding out what's going on. When they make a comment, they would have been better off sticking to no comment.[/quote] Two things: 1. Sticking to "no comment" is always smart when you have a r...
[quote]Auburn has reported some secondary violations..[/quote] They did? When? What violations were reported and for which sport(s)?...
[quote]little thing called post history[/quote] Four, five, a few dozen of those or a half dozen of the other. Point is, I wasn't an ATPB regular. Instead of rambling on about LOIC, JJ should have kept his mouth shut and stuck with the "no comment" line....
[quote]IBC = Bama version of AU's NTYF. [/quote] I ought to slap you upside your wobbly head for that. :lol: I posted about four or five times in ATPB, so I'm hardly an ATPB'er. I'm just a blogger who sticks with boring things like facts, logic and clear-headed thinking. That, of course, makes...

re: Chizik's 'All In' book...

Posted by IBleedCrimsonRed on 7/14/11 at 9:08 am
This was before the real cover showed up. [img]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_ezTRU_wKgFg/Tcragw-6yuI/AAAAAAAABU0/aRzf9TfZgLU/s1600/AllIn%5B4%5D.png[/img]...

re: Dre's Ride (Pics Inside)

Posted by IBleedCrimsonRed on 4/14/11 at 7:25 am
Current University of Alabama policy regarding the personal vehicles student-athletes: Each year, All student-athletes at the University of Alabama are required to complete a thorough questionnaire regarding any vehicle they will have on campus. They must describe in detail the make/model of thei...

re: Kenny Iron's Tweet's

Posted by IBleedCrimsonRed on 2/22/11 at 4:14 pm
[quote]When does this hit? Specifically what time and station? [/quote] HBO, Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, March 30, 2011....