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Nothing to see here, so move along. Everyone is an idiot if you thinked anything happened above and beyond what the NCAA has discovered an ruled upon. This thing is over.. move along now....
No link, but you will see it soon enough.. if they decide to actually report on it.. otherwise, it will just die down and you will never hear about that quote again.. Just remember you heard it here first on TD.. the place where all news happens first....
Come on now.. how smart are we.. this was one of the original quotes that was let out by the media.. Joe Schad as I recall.. and it was brought up by P. Finebaum yesterday during the Schaud interview.. Why has the media not jumped on this quote especially in light of the latest ruling.. Why not g...

ESPN'S Joe Schad reports 'Alabama Wins"

Posted by wareagle95 on 11/28/10 at 10:05 pm
[img]http://www.thewareaglereader.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Joe-Schad-480x360.jpg[/img] Saw this picture posted in another topic and I think someone even asked about it.. Just had to speak up since I know where this is at.. The funny thing is my buddy told me he was going to do it on Frid...

re: Possible SECCG scenario

Posted by wareagle95 on 11/24/10 at 2:55 pm
Hate to rain on your parade, but I have already received confirmation and a tracking number for my SEC Championship tickets.. Will I have to return them? Or will they just send new ones out to another school and get them there before next Saturday??? Please help me understand how that will work?? ...
As an Auburn fan who has frequented this site to enjoy the keystone cops production that has been center stage in "much" of the media and here, I have one request to make to the rest of the SEC Rant. If you have personally tried and convicted Auburn or Cam during already, then please do the followi...
Buck Sweep, you are correct.. Nobody even caught your comment nor realized the magnitude of what one of their own said.. Now that is funny stuff.. They are so blinded by what they have come to believe that they cant see the truth has been staring them in the face all along, but unwilling to see it...
Just to make sure I am following where you guys are going.. Please tell me if I am off base... The FBI now has wire taps that confirm that Cecil Newton had contact with McGregor and that money was exchanging hands between AU and the Newton's.. Is that really where this is now.. The FBI has ...

re: new USAToday Cam article...

Posted by wareagle95 on 11/17/10 at 8:01 am
Did you ever think that maybe Cecil was looking for money only from MSU because he was aware that Dan Mullen was ok with it.. i.e Cam was aware of benefits that Florida players were getting while at Florida.. So this time "It wasn't going to be free" per the words of Cecil.. Therefore, he is thi...
By the way, I have been posting here on this site for years.. For some reason, I could not get my id to work this year before the LSU vs AU game so I created a new id.. Bu that is fine, keep giving me shite because I look like a new poster..low post count.. as if that is meaningful.. I guess that ...
This should be something you recognize since it hits real close to home for LSU.. Copied this directly from a quote about UNC.. This is a NCAA ruling. Six additional Tar Heels were held out of the game, and did not make the trip, as UNC officials continue to gather more information to determine w...
If I was Chiz, I would make announcement tomorrow that Barret Trotter was starting..Could you imagine all the excitement... the SEC saying we told you so.. Cam is in wrong and Auburn not willing to take chance... etc..blahblahblah.. After Barret Trotter takes first snap tomorrow which he hands of...
http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2010/11/video_auburns_cam_newton_board.html Read the last sentence.. if he rides the bus then he is eligible to play!! Keep hoping for the worst to happen to AU.. War Cam Eagle!!...
Oddly enough, vegas took the AU game off the board yesterday around noon for several hours (most of the afternoon). However, the game is still on line and the line is moving back closer to where it was earlier this week.. Doesn't sound like anybody else thinks Cam is going down after this latest re...
maybe so.. but since they tried to go this route.. it was a busted play as soon as our db moved over in front of TT.. I think this threw everything off in the play and another thing I think you would all agree with is that Les did not plan for that.. He did not come up with a strategy for JL to deal...
after reading through the players involved, this is what I think truly was going on during that play.. RS did know he was supposed to be on the field and there were only 10 players on to beging with. RS ran on acting as if he was taking TT's place. TT starts to run off field but stops just on t...
Ok, I have come back to read the boards and glad that this one cant be blamed on the refs.. However, I have 2 points after reading your messages.. and I am not here to flame.. 1) If you go back and watch that last play, I believe it was purposefully designed confusion, and if you go back and wat...