Favorite team:Air Force 
Location:Taco Hell
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Registered on:1/6/2010
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re: Something weird on ESPN First Take

Posted by FireSauce on 1/14/10 at 1:45 pm
[quote]the hair is real i go to school with his son.[/quote] You live in New Jersey?...
[quote]my bad. But seriously, i do have thoughts of my own which i've added in the article.[/quote] From the article: Where are your original thoughts? [quote]With that out of the way, here are five players that could fill needs for the Falcons who might be available when they select. Note, I’...
If you're going to rip something, provide a link or specify where you got it!...
[quote]yeah d bag i do thought it was a good article.[/quote] Again, where?...
Where did you rip this from?...

re: Heroes

Posted by FireSauce on 1/14/10 at 11:20 am
[quote]There is no hope, but I will suffer through it until the bitter end.[/quote] I just can't suffer any longer. I tend to stop watching any show once I get bored with it! If it's not entertaining me I will go find something else that will....

re: Walking out of movies

Posted by FireSauce on 1/14/10 at 11:18 am
I have never walked out, but my parents fell asleep during Twister when I was younger....
I thought she was fictitious and just showed how crazy he was....
Thomas does seem to fit: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/southpark/images/thumb/f/f2/Thomas.jpg/200px-Thomas.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Who the hell is this mystery kid OP?[/quote] I don't know that one either!...

Name all these South Park Characters

Posted by FireSauce on 1/13/10 at 4:10 pm
[img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_kw5v27pZ5Q1qzfstdo1_1280.png?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1263506944&Signature=qhP2sPp%2FFYYlb3NMrVCskwxJMhU%3D width=900[/img] [i]Edited by admin[/i]...
Next years "Ole Miss"...

NBA Southwest Division

Posted by FireSauce on 1/13/10 at 10:57 am
As a Grizzlies fan, I am proud that our team is playing with heart, aggression, determination, and all the other cliches. But damn, the Southwest Division is the only division in both conferences where all teams are above .500. Man, I hate the weakness that is the Eastern Conference. Hell, what ...

re: Which fan base hates USC more?

Posted by FireSauce on 1/13/10 at 9:57 am
I would say UT. LSU students never pseudo-rioted in the streets!...
They worked together at USC. Never heard of them disliking each other. Is there some reason they hate each other? What am I missing?...

re: The Hangover vs. The Big Lebowski

Posted by FireSauce on 1/12/10 at 4:40 pm
[quote]Lebowski, and let me be the first to say that it trumps Hangover in every aspect.[/quote] +2...
[quote]What radio station? [/quote] I don't know! Someone just walked into my office and told me about it. I googled and got that link from twitter. We have some FL fans here who live in Gainesville. I was hoping some of them would tell us they heard it....
Radio station in Gainesville reported today that Urban Meyer has been in a relationship with a 23 year old. Anyone else heard of this yet? [link=(http://tweetfeed.com/trends/urban-meyer/2)]LINK[/link]...
1. Calipari (recruiting) 2. Coach K 3. Matta 4. Calhoun 5. Beilein ...