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Location:Plaquemine, La
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Registered on:9/4/2009
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Its always the coldest before you feel the heat.. yeah...
[quote]Every heroin addict I know started smoking marijuana first[/quote] They probably also started smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol as well. What's your point?...
[quote]guy sucked .. figured he'd come back with an alter, but if he has, he's good at hiding it .. never seen someone obsess over internet drama and doxxing people the way he used to .. pitiful his double period formatting drove me nuts[/quote] I thought he died? Some people say that the pe...

re: Do you sleep with the tv on?

Posted by OweO on 4/30/24 at 10:01 am
[quote]Although I can fall asleep with lights on[/quote] Unless I am really tired, I can't fall asleep with the lights on. I like it cool, dark and quiet. ...
[quote]Who was the poster that posted snaps of himself at various Vegas casinos, with doo doo toilets? [/quote] I thought that was goldennugget? Maybe not. My favorite poster, while only lasting about a week, was Romnio or whatever his name was. The dude drove from Florida to Lafayette becau...
[quote] stout went from a funny poster that would destroy GCS on the reg to posting rage porn 24/7[/quote] stout was a bitch made wanna be Rag. He came at me and I had nothing on him so I didn't have much to work with, but then I found out he is a fat arse with a missing thumb who is obsessed wit...

re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by OweO on 4/30/24 at 9:49 am
Man, while I have no advice to offer I can tell you something to be aware of. My next door neighbor has a daughter who is bipolar. She is now in her early 50s, but this was about 15-18 years ago. I don't know if she stopped taking her meds or she switched meds or what, but she had a breakdown. ...

re: Do you sleep with the tv on?

Posted by OweO on 4/30/24 at 9:29 am
I will fall asleep if I am watching something, but in general no I do not like the TV on, especially sports because the second I hear something of interest. If I am half asleep I will completely wake up to what what happened. I do fall asleep while I read....
You can't really truly tell in a photo, but her eyes indicate that there is a chance she isn't a rational thinker. As in, she probably has some type of mental issues....
[quote] Rubber bullets[/quote] That would be fun to do. I've been shot with a bb gun. It wasn't a close shot or anything and while it stung a little bit, it was more like a "oh shite he hit me" than grab the area you were hit in and look to see how bad it is...The same person who hit me with a b...
Let me get this straight. Are you saying that athletes who get NIL money should use their money to get protestors to remove mask? ...
I am pretty sure this wasn't the first time this was done....
[quote]has nothing to do with the tread topic, nimrod[/quote] I saw those nasty arse white women and just thought about what type of women you don't ever really see coloring their hair purple and just looking gross. Brazilian women came to mind....
[quote]Just wait until they are no longer the smallest percentage of the population.[/quote] That will not happen. At 13% they have a lot of ground to make up, IMO the illegal immigrant population that will have kids born in the US and then that population will continue to grow. And don't underes...

re: NAACP weighs in on St. George.

Posted by OweO on 4/30/24 at 8:50 am
I'd come help you out GRT.. Bring you some water and what not to help you with the fires if things start to burn down....
[quote]GTFO, OweirdO[/quote] Its not my fault you don't like women....
Brazilian women are better. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-ctvW8R3b-kk%2FT7DXtYc8LVI%2FAAAAAAAATtw%2F4AexvmzGCRs%2Fs1600%2FBrazilian-bikini-girls-9234.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=cd9b1747992662ca90631eb7776e88be3bacde3d451be149a2a32f3454efbb1b&ipo=imag...
Why was I not surprised to see an older white woman in the middle of it all? They can't release some type of strong pepper spray at them and smoke them out like rats? Do they understand what they are doing will do absolutely nothing and those people in Israel & Palestine don't give a frick that ...
[quote]serving a warrant on a convicted felon with illegal firearms.[/quote] I read this and its sad and frick this dude and this is not at all victim blaming, its more about procedure and me not knowing, but in a situation like this I assume they went in assuming he still had illegal firearms? ...

re: NAACP weighs in on St. George.

Posted by OweO on 4/30/24 at 8:28 am
The NAACP don't give a single frick about black people. They use any opportunity to get in the news. They are a non profit and like many non-profits they eventually become a shell of what they started off to be and giving them any type of attention is what they want. I shared a story on here about...