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As to the identity fraud on the part of the dog killer. These delivery apps could EASILY overcome this by requiring facial recognition or fingerprint ID to receive orders and access the app. This gentleman was trespassing in any legal sense of the world as Harmon had agreed for someone named Me...
[quote]Exactly. Im not gonna let myself get bit just to show the dog was a threat. If the dog was loose, its her fault. She killed her dog.[/quote] One might try running or leaving before firing a lethal shot,...
[quote]Was it a pit bull?[/quote] It was a 43 pound beagle/German Shepherd mix....
[quote]If she was at home, why didn't she control the dog? [/quote] Perhaps it was not a dog that had ever required controlling. There is no evidence h even got near the fraud delivery driver. It was a 43 pound dog. My labs will lie on the floor and be indifferent to workers IN my house....
German Shepherd and Beagle mix rescued from a shelter... [img]https://people.com/thmb/c8ETzjjf503ynUufr_ulC0DuHi4=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(749x0:751x2):format(webp)/angie-harmon-dog-oliver-040524-1-72383585f8c54f2991ddbc03e6f2533d.jpg[/img][img]https://peopl...
Education Southern University Law Center Enough said...
Had Bayou Hot Wings three piece and am full,......

re: Vandy whistler

Posted by Cell of Awareness on 5/13/24 at 8:10 am
[quote]Unfortunately, he would most certainly not lose. Your examples are artificial noise makers. His whistle is no different than annoying cheering, clapping, etc..[/quote] A legal nuisance can potentially be ANY activity that is irritating, offensive, obstructive, or dangerous. It is a matter...
[link=(https://www.fox8live.com/2024/05/11/new-orleans-mayor-cantrell-received-protective-order-against-local-woman-over-safety-concerns/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=snd&utm_content=wvue)]Fox8Live[/link] The arrogant and ignorant, petty and petulant, corrupt and inept dilett...
My comment could have been phrased better without the inheritance part. I could care less about an inheritance because my parents are already passed. Many of these elderly folks do not have their full faculties and their savings are often keeping them in a nicer facility, There are kickbacks in...

re: High school reunion

Posted by Cell of Awareness on 5/7/24 at 10:37 am
I went to my 25th and realized that, wioth a few exceptions, I had kept up with the folks I wanted to keep up with and remembered the reasons I had not kept up with others, Sadly one of the exceptions was a guy I was looking forward to seeing who had been in a motorbike accident that took most of...
[quote]It's their money, let them do as they wish with it. If it's on hookers and blow, so be it. If they want to give it to casinos, let them. After all, it is their money.[/quote] One of my in-laws was in a care facility and taken on such outings before the family found out.. She suffers from ...
[quote]Yeah it ducks but thanks to video poker and gambling we have got all that cash for roads and schools.[/quote] We are lucky... First, the lottery then video poker then riverboat casinos then a land based casino then racinos then sports gambling. Each was going to save us. We must have ...
How addcitive.....[embed]https://youtube.com/shorts/b51sexHFplg?si=YM9o_4F0flTbU-hW[/embed]...
[quote]It’s not the government’s responsibility to stop degenerates from ruining their lives.[/quote] Never said it was. I feel the same about the lottery but am ambivalent to its existence. A fool and their money were lucky enough to find each other in the first place. BUT in the case of p...
I have no problem with gambling being legal but I see nothing but addiction when I see folks at the slots machines.. I can see the social and interactive component with table games or sports betting and enjoy both but slots is the adult version of preteens addicted to tik-tok with a high dollar cos...
Much harder to do now than then. But he did the one thing you must do and cut out all contact with his former connections. The best way to do it now is help out hardcore homeless folks and do some research then take the identity of one with no major warrants or family connections then help them ...
[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.JkvaupFiPbIbJkOBtZyDCgAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=ac2953fe94dd97b1282c94b0b385ebb38d75a262f93eab7e2304b8a42fb1f77a&ipo=images[/img] [link=(https://www.fox8live.com/2024/04/24/nasa-hears-voyager-1-most...
[link=(https://www.mideastjournal.org/post/qatar-donation-us-university)]LINK[/link] Funny how these useful idiots ignored genocides in China, Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Nigeria, the Congo, Darfur, Myanmar, South Sudan, Yemen , and Ethiopia so they can concentrate on the one where they can shout Death...
[quote]Pangea is coming back and we will all die.[/quote] That was half a joke at the expense of chicken littles in that it will happen as in millions of years. Do you deny the idea of the teutonic plates moving beneath us albeit slowly....