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Registered on:11/19/2022
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What a literary masterpiece. I would put Juvenile alongside other great American authors- Mark Twain, Flannery O’Connor, Walt Whitman etc. ...
My wife and I are early 50’s. A 100K would pay off the rest of our mortgage and fund a home renovation job or two. A huge break, yes. Life changing? Not really. ...
Abingdon, VA For tiny towns- Hot Springs, NC...
It’s astonishing that there are people on here that praise that sawed off bitch. Z and our warmongering neocons and neolibs will have us on the nuclear brink in due time. ...
This old, demon possessed rotten human being is turning this into Russia bashing and "muh Ukraine." All the usual lies. Stand against tyranny. Stand against the "iron fist." Democracy. Russia will invade it's neighbors. This old feeble a-hole and his war pigs will have us into WW 3. ...

re: Traveling by Train

Posted by BluegrassCardinal on 6/5/24 at 9:03 pm
I’ll be following this thread as I occasionally dream about taking a long rail trip. The Empire Builder from Chicago to the PAC northwest is something I’ve always wanted to do. ...

re: Colorado Trip Ideas

Posted by BluegrassCardinal on 6/5/24 at 8:54 pm
Careful in Leadville. The altitude is over 10,000 feet. I spent three nights there in 2022. By the second night I was in the ER sucking down oxygen. Doc wouldn’t let me go unless I promised to unass myself and get to a lower altitude in Denver. Altitude sickness is pretty frightening. My o2 was ...
97-98 were the peak of WCW. By 99, the repetitive storylines, got, well, repetitive. I agree with others, they have Hogan too much control. The NWO storyline got old and WCW failed to reinvent. ...
The last time the Russians tried occupation on a mass scale it led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Why would they occupy west of the Dnieper, let alone former Warsaw Pact countries, knowing they’ll face a protracted insurgency? Their combat operations has been in the eastern oblasts tha...
Scott Ritter has been a pain the arse for the war party since the run up to OIF. They damn well knew that Saddam didn’t have a WMD stockpile. He’s on the “information terrorists” list that Washington and Ukraine collaborate on. If getting his passport seized is the worst thing that happens to him...
Yet liberals can gentrify decaying urban areas, which, by economics, isolates the impoverished. Rules for thee…....
It astonishes me how the internet armchair warriors think we “should call Putin’s bluff.” Let’s flip the script. The Soviet’s and Warsaw Pact win the Cold War, and begin expanding their “defensive coalition” along and near the US border. Concurrently their intelligence agencies sponsor coups and ...
[quote]I was just coming here to point this out. They were horribly barbaric to other Indians too. Not to mention the Mexicans….They weren't this way out of vengeance for the buffalo.[/quote] It's fascinating to think that the Comanche were equal with the Texas Rangers until the evolution of the ...
Agreed, they were brutal as hell and found innovative ways to kill/torture. . ...
Yep, just scrolled down and saw the book forum. Just thought it would be a break from the endless Pride threads, and Catholic v Protestant war. ...
Just ordered this book, it covers the Comanche tribe. They are, by all accounts, the ultimate badass plains warriors who delayed western expansion by years, if not decades. Ruthless, and absolutely lethal on horseback. As a side note, Taylor Sheridan has the rights to the book, and will event...
Give it time, they will eventually allow Ukraine to use ATACMS against civilian populations in Russia. They slow walk everything. ...

re: I hate our country

Posted by BluegrassCardinal on 5/30/24 at 4:59 pm
At the rate things are going in Europe, we won’t be alive for the Election Day. Pedo Joe giving Ukraine the green light on striking targets within Russia using ATACMS is a major escalation ...
This coming Sunday is Corpus Christi Sunday. Parishes across the world will celebrate the Body of Christ with Eucharistic processions. Meanwhile, at your local Episcopal church, Pastor Bruce will recite the Sparkle Creed and invite drag queens to the altar. Just another reason I'm grateful to...
She graduated literally three days ago and is still 17, thus a minor. She will turn 18 next month and will gain a lot more freedom as she will be a legal adult. Not “sending” her off to the military. She’s been wanting to go Air Force for a few months and has put thought into what she wants to d...