Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Lived in Montana
Interests:Hiking and LSU
Number of Posts:138
Registered on:9/11/2022
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re: Yall jinxing SOBs…

Posted by windhamtiger on 6/2/24 at 8:42 pm
Feel the same dang way. Just absolutely horrible to start counting a win before the end ...
I truly believe that the anti Christ is alive and as the church we will be raptured out of here before he is revealed There is a Kim Clement Prophecy that states that Trump will be elected a second term of course we all thought it was going to be back-to-back not a 4 year hiatus I believe Trump will...
Definitely agree with you that 11 should be let in who would be the odd man out would that be ole miss...
Good luck to him I would rather him be there and meet him at UCLA than him being at another Southeastern conference school for sure not really concerned...
Speaking for myself I just cannot financially make it another 4 years under Biden or Kamala Harris there will be no financial way for me...

re: National Champions!!

Posted by windhamtiger on 4/20/24 at 5:03 pm
PROUD to be a Tiger proud to call it my Alma Mater go Tigers beautiful WIN when a lot of people were being negative halfway through the meet way to go girls beautiful national champions....
No sir I love America and I fought for my country and I'm not trying to be a jackass just asking because you have started a couple of threads about this issue I mean if they're out there and they're kneeling that's one thing LS u's football team is always in the locker room before they play the nati...
Are you saying that they were outside of the locker room and just did not stand for the national anthem or are you saying they were in the locker room with the national anthem was being played there is a difference which is it...
I'm with you my brother contrary to the OP. I think they're playing pretty darn good if you ask me...
Great news continue to be strong...
Mad dog you are spot on and so many people miss this point. I am a manager of a grocery store and as soon as Biden signed the executive order to stop The Keystone pipeline oil futures immediately started going up and the transportation costs went higher and trickled right on down to the consumer and...
Definitely needs to be done and fox talked about it this morning repeating what the host said I bet the 14-year-old young girl is not laughing about being raped by Venezuelan illegal migrant...
Do you mind if I list 3 things number one close the border number2 prosecute the capitol city policeman that murdered Ashley Babbitt number 3 and I know this would lead to riots in the streets but pardon Derek Chauvin Or at the very least sneak him out of prison and put him in witness protection...
When this is all finished I can guarantee you this Jason Murray cat is going to wish he would have never taken this argument on I mean he is being reamed in my opinion...
Chief Justice Roberts Justice Thomas and now Justice kavanagh given this guy a constitutional lesson I don't know what the liberal justices will argue...
Agree 100% . Last week was paying $2.69 a gallon for credit card payment. This week $2.99 a gallon. Please , I don't think the price of gas is dropping. ...