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[quote]“frick. Newsome”[/quote] That’ll leave a staind. [img]https://media.tenor.com/NgRY8TPnjVgAAAAe/see-my-self-out-ill-see-myself-out.png[/img] ...
The fact that this guy is still not only out and about, but out and about in these high profile, public environments is just proof COVID was pushed from the very top and that he is protected because he is necessary to the whole thing. frick that guy...
Just look at that crowd and then the crowd of lefties on college campuses. Stark difference in simple demeanor and vibe. And we’re the evil, racist, anti this and that party?!...
This stuff has always come across to me as a way to hurt Trump’s campaign Like who would piss off Trump voters the most…Haley!? Let’s say we have an anonymous source and run with that!...
[quote]the intent of this bill[/quote] Irrelevant in the hands of the Left....
It’s always funny to me to see these goobers run in just the most unathletic way possible :lol:...
Same thing I’ve said with the Israeli hate speech. Once you open that door, people can internet it however they want. Same with just normal speech. They use the “fire in a theater” as a way to say you can’t say certain things in certain situations because it could cause a harmful action and reac...
“Equal Representation Act” There is absolutely nothing equal about people coming here illegally and getting representation. Unless it’s politicians (criminals) representing illegals aliens (criminals.) That would make sense I guess ...
[quote]The members of the AME church then destroy ballots that are completed by people against their interests, while simultaneously scanning the fraudulent ballots multiple times.[/quote] I don’t doubt the veracity of this statement, but is there evidence of this to show people who would think t...
1. I love this movie 2. I love when you see lefties wearing a V mask, not seeing the irony there. You see this too with Harry Potter and Dolores Umbridge. They hate her yet don't see how much like her a lot of them are with their authoritative nature....
"He was looking real shitty. I know we all make mistakes." :lol: [img]https://y.yarn.co/9455b2ee-1929-49b8-a81d-761df85a9304_text.gif[/img]...
[img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOXJ0MzVydXFldGkxaGNzOGpjdTFyenlkeGQ1aHZuZnM2MWswdWt0eCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/xUPGcmvgjMIEhy6jZu/giphy.gif[/img] I guess this gif could work. ...
I’ve thought this for a bit as well. I posted this in another thread a while back: [quote]I’ve thought this for a long time as well. Also, tin foil, what’s stopping the CIA or NSA from simply setting up some “rich entrepreneur” with a bunch of start up capital and just go build an app that peop...
[quote]The statements don’t work? Or the people they hire don’t work?[/quote] Yes...
[link=(https://gizmodo.com/rip-bernard-hill-lord-of-the-rings-theoden-rohan-1851456991)]Gizmodo Link[/link] [quote]The BBC reports the news was confirmed by Hill’s agent early Sunday morning. Known closer to his home in the UK for a storied career in television, in series like Boys From the Black...
I agree with this, as well as some people fearing to be “the first.” Some people just need someone to go first before they move. With that being said, we shall see. These people have proven time and time again to be snakes. ...
Putting aside the politics of this, damn that's a fine vessel....
[quote]It ensures whoever arrives in DC is serious and selfless[/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/L8XuphFGqlSfe/giphy.gif[/img]...