Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:344
Registered on:11/7/2021
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[quote][quote]No wonder why the Democrats hate Russia so much, THEYRE ALL WHITE! [/quote] [quote]And no alphabet trans he/she's, us/we, they/them furries were noticed either.[/quote][/quote] They also export a lot of fossil fuel. You both have no idea how on point you are....

re: SHTF plans for your area?

Posted by Jimmy Russel on 5/9/24 at 11:03 am
Since I live inside Holman Prison outside of Atmore, I should be pretty good....
Just think if government wasn’t involved in healthcare that there wouldn’t be that many instances in which people could rock up that kind of debt...
[quote]Under Gardner’s watch, the Circuit Attorney’s Office, once the most active in Missouri in terms of jury trials, saw a dramatic decrease in the prosecution of criminal cases. This decline led to a state of near-collapse in the city’s criminal justice system.[/quote] Yeah, but violent crime ...
No. Let him progressive-proof Florida for two more years, and then gear up in 2026 as the first hat in the ring....
That’s nine miles of rough road right there. Make a freight train take a dirt road....

re: 2024 Draft Value Chart

Posted by Jimmy Russel on 4/29/24 at 8:40 am
[quote]...and in contrast, Pete Prisco's opinions on the draft [/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN3ZzMjdmZzdqaHN3ZWZ2emw1Y25pOHdtcTMyMGQ2YjZlejc3eXgzMyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP/giphy.gif[/img]...
Biden only wants another ice cream cone. Now his handlers? That's another story....
Every one of these “resignations” are the result of blackmail. Change my mind....
Is this supposed to be a honeypot thread? I can't tell....
This is exactly why Georgia flipped blue. Chicken farmers and the carpet industry are highly dependent upon cheap immigrant labor. ...
[quote]Again. Putin is ex-KGB. Don't listen to what he says, watch what he does. He's getting the Soviet band back together. [/quote] That is the stupidest fricking take on this board. You should be banned for such nonsense. Putin is about the security of Russia in the face of transnational p...
[quote]If you remember, Lot asked if God would spare the city if He could find x amount of righteous people in that city. The number Lot asked got lower and lower until basically we knew there were very few people (if any) who were righteous. Now a days, there are some good people in most places B...
I thought the purpose of being in the military was to set others on fire for a cause. [quote]You sound jealous baw. One day you may have the balls to set yourself on fire for a cause.[/quote]...
[quote]That catching on fire was way more common. It seems like stop/drop/roll was drilled into our heads near-weekly as kids. I've never known a single person who was, what I would consider, "on fire" at any point[/quote] You must not watch Steve Inman's ANTIFA vids on X...
Please show me the Trump supporter that set himself on fire out of self-hate. I'll wait....
Pissing off CocaCola? How about the north Georgia carpet industry and South Georgia poultry farmers who employ more illegals than you can shake your pecker at....