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Occupation:Mechanical Engineer Delta Airlines
Number of Posts:15
Registered on:2/12/2021
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[quote]Power hungry and greed Nothing short of complete corruption too[/quote] Finally someone here describes the right-wing to a T. Congrats my friend. Now more people need to come here with similar thinking....
[quote]You people have been screaming the words unprecedented crisis for over 2 years now. That’s enough.[/quote] Didn't Rick Perry say that Texas will go days without power in order to keep the government out of their business? Well.... :rolleyes:...
[quote]Edit: interesting replies from a board that would implode if a liberal was doing this [/quote] This is 100% true! :lol:...
Well for what its worth while people are here reveling in this meaningless victory, Trump would have won with a public defender. The right-wing who really don't think for themselves already had their minds made up about the verdict. The trial was just a formality. Don't for once think your ambulance...

re: Balance in college footbal

Posted by Numbr1Gump on 2/13/21 at 7:51 pm
The problem with this is that you can't tell a kid where to go to school! The main objective is to get an education and while we all know that is BS, kids will forever be able to go to the school of their choice as long as there is room. ...

re: Trump 2024

Posted by Numbr1Gump on 2/13/21 at 5:44 pm
[quote]The platform is great, need somebody different.[/quote] I'm outnumbered here 50:1 but I'm trying to bring some diversity to this homogeneous board and educate some of these potential good minds!...

re: Trump 2024

Posted by Numbr1Gump on 2/13/21 at 5:36 pm
[quote]We ride [/quote] Riding where? Trump will be prosecuted by the Southern District of NY before next election. State full of dems!!! I guarantee you he won't weasel his way out of that one... :lol:...
[quote]There is not an ounce of courage on that list. None.[/quote] You're joking right? Those are the only Republican Senators with the stones to vote how they really feel! The other cowards won't vote how they feel unless its a secret vote. Republicans should be ashamed to be associated with s...
[quote]Trump should go help primary out every one of the Repubs that voted for this bullshite. [/quote] Nah...he's still going to jail. Now he's about to get hit with a flurry of criminal charges for the different state crimes he's broken. This is just the beginning! Move over Senate and hold m...
[quote]Burr Cassidy Collins Murkowski Romney Sasse Toomey[/quote] The only forward self-thinking republican Senators with guts!! :usa:...
[quote]Anyone who thinks Trump is guilty here is full of shite. [/quote] Guilty!!...
[quote]You made this alter today just to post this crap?[/quote] Whats not true about this? So you mean to tell me that the Justice Department and ALL of these elected officials and politicians (including previously Ruby Red Georgia) can't show ANY widespread election fraud enough to change an el...
[quote]Ignoring what Trump says, it's pretty obvious that the election was heavily flawed, and yes, likely stolen. See TIME MAGAZINE article on that. There's ample proof. If Jan. 6 was a terrorist act, what in the hell was the BLM/Antifa summer of violence ? Trust me, we've not forgotten...
[quote]But Trump didn't do anything wrong.[/quote] If Trump didn't LIE like the election was stolen with ZERO proof we wouldn't be talking about this today and the terrorist act on Jan 6th would have never happened. Did you forget?...
[quote]Is that what I said? I think Trump is holding something over McConnell and the party to force him to acquit. If McConnell was actually left to his conscience, he'd convict. He's a scumbag.[/quote] Yea...they are all suck ups!! Grown arse men scared to vote to uphold the integrity of the con...