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Registered on:10/24/2020
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re: Statue of Liberty

Posted by burger bearcat on 5/3/24 at 10:24 pm
F*ck the SOL. Send that bitch back to France where she belongs...
Only shame is that schools are shutting down in the next few weeks. My experience discussing with center normies, is they are not digging the looney left and their ridiculous protests. This cause doesn't resonate like the Civil Rights or evem the BLM movement did with the masses. We should e...
Lol. Niger sticking it up Biden and Blinken's arse. What a weak, feminized leadership. ...
History is a great tool leaders and societies can use before implementing large scale, sweeping changes to a civilization. We have all been hammered over and over again for years about how wonderful diversity is. But couldn't they at least provide receipts of this being a successful strategy to ...

Funky odor in garage

Posted by burger bearcat on 5/3/24 at 5:54 am
We have a 2 car garage attached right off the kitchen. No cars parked inside the garage. One half is used for tool and material storage. The other half for kids toys, shoes, umbrellas, coolers, pool supplies, etc Nothing new has been introduced to the garage, that wasn't already in the garage ...
The Hamas protests are a much worse look for the left for a number of reasons: 1) Most ordinary Americans do not understand or relate to the cause. With the BLM protests, the issue hit home for a number of people. There was no George Floyd moment to spark the bomb, if anything the images on Oct 0...

DeSantis makes the most sense

Posted by burger bearcat on 5/1/24 at 8:04 am
For no other reason, than this ticket gives the GOP ticket the best chance at winning. There is no substitute for victory All feelings and personal idealogies aside, if the Republicans behaved liked Democrats, and actually found it useful to win, then they would figure out away to being these t...
[quote]What if your kid, and your hard earned money, was going to educate said kid and he couldn't get access to class? Would you care then?[/quote] That's why you don't spend your hard earned money on a useless education, that will serve no other purpose than to indoctrinate your children into M...
And they are happening on college campuses to boot? Isn't this a dream scenario for those on the right? Watch the left eat their own, and sit back and eat popcorn? So now all the sudden these dorky GOP politicians and Governors feel its time to grow a backbone and stop riots? But in 2020 we could...

Does anyone follow Curits Yarvin?

Posted by burger bearcat on 4/29/24 at 7:44 am
I certainly don't see eye to eye with Yarvin on a number of issues, particularly the fact he is a self described Atheist and I am on the other end of the spectrum in the Traditional Catholic community. With that said, he recently participated in a debate with Chri Rufo. And I took points from bot...
[quote]but it certainly wasn't pointless.[/quote] I'd be interested in hearing your perspective on what was necessary about them?...
[quote]Did you serve in Iraq? Afghanistan? Both?[/quote] Neither. No disrespect to anyone who served. But those wars were pointless, I do admire anyone's courage who went into combat. But in the end, it was never for any of the platitudes the state sponsor media fed everyone about "freedom" or wh...
[quote]Shock and Awe was Iraq[/quote] You are correct. I was referring to the initial airstrikes in Afghanistan to wipe out terrorist camps (October/November 2001). We never should have touched Iraq. Hussein was not a threat to America. ...
[quote]Even if you where totally against the war on terror, you have to admit that the US was safer after we kicked some asses[/quote] We could have just deported everyone we deemed a threat and not let any threats back in. Problem solved, and no wars needed. These solutions are almost too simple...
[quote]Afghanistan was justified[/quote] Why? Maybe Shock N Awe. Why did we need to be there for 20 years? Unless you were telling me they had oil fields and we needed the oil, but we left it all to the Chi-Comms anyways. So all for what? Poppy Fields?...
[quote]Pre 911, the US was being attacked repeatedly by terrorist[/quote] Simple solution. Just deport Middle Eastern Muslims, specifically men between 20-40. Problem solved and 5,000 Americans lives saved. But we can't talk that way. ...
I guess we are just supposed to accept that we were in these desert boondoggles for 20+years for no apparent reason? 5,000+ dead Americans (mostly young men), and that is just direct kills, not including indirect deaths from PTSD, or other deaths resulting from injury or exposure, etc. Plus thous...

Boiling vs the Blowtorched Frog

Posted by burger bearcat on 4/26/24 at 9:50 am
What is better? To get comfortable in a nice warm pot, and slowly die without realizing it? Or to get our arse litup and incinerated? Maybe we just need to let the Dems run roughshod over this place for a little while. People are just too weak and complacent otherwise. Maybe once enough of the w...

Kantanji Jackson

Posted by burger bearcat on 4/25/24 at 11:42 am
Just a complete empty robe. She blathers on and on, imagining herself to be some sort of intellectual because she learned a few words in law school, but never makes a coherent point. Pure word salad....