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Biography:Newb investor that is looking to learn
Number of Posts:162
Registered on:10/22/2020
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[quote]NVDA within spitting distance of Apple market cap. $2.8T to $2.9T respectively [/quote] So total newb questions - nvdas PE is 66, and apples is 30. What is nvdas upmovement based on...solely their lack of competition and being the first, and how long is it sustainable? Idk who their nearest...
The advise is much appreciated. :cheers: I'm definitely trying to do research, but there is so much info out there it gets overwhelming. Thats one of my issues, I tend to do so much research that I keep putting off actually doing what I'm wanting. Why I'm hoping to get into some conversations a...
[quote]May I ask what is your trading background and/or experience level?[/quote] I don't mind. Thanks. Very low super beginner but wanting to learn something new. I've bought a few long hold stocks in my personal acct but haven't done trading like this. I'm definitely not looking to jump in wi...
[quote]Is your LLC taxed as a passthrough (onto your personal return) or as a C Corp? [/quote] Thanks for your response. I will say I'm not a expert in any of this, total newb, so why Im asking. Before my more recent IC work I was a standard W-2 1040 type. With that said, the below seems to be ...

Starting a Corp. Brokerage Acct Tips

Posted by HagaDaga on 5/7/24 at 10:33 am
I hope all are having a nice Tuesday. :cheers: I have an LLC for IC work that I do, so I was talking with my CPA about how best to do some basic trading. He said to open a Corp. Brokerage Acct, so I'm wondering if anyone on here could give me some tips on how to get started and things to avoid. ...
[quote]If you want some exposure to Bitcoin possibly just buy some of it in one of the new ETF's if you have Fidelity the ticker is "FBTC".[/quote] Is there a thread that talks specifically about all the new Bitcoin ETFs that one can look at? I have Fidelity, so just looked up FBTC and its $55.84....
So I've always wondered what people do with 10s of millions of dollars+ of cash, but dang what does a company like Berkshire do with so much cash on hand?? Is there insurance the purchase to protect them like the FDIC does we pions of the world? AAPL has struggled to break thru 200, so I guess t...
I'm hoping I can just post this instead of going with creating a thread first, so lets see how this goes... I bit back I was just reading around and came across some comments about Trading Cards Grading. Was wondering if there is a specific board better for it or a thread discussing it. My ...
[quote]It's just the cost of the domain that you will pay annually.[/quote] Cool. Thanks for the link!...
[quote] Woo/WP is a not the hosting provider, so whomever yall pay for your website hosting is the provider where you'd setup domain forwarding. May want to consider using the same provider to register the new domain, that way if you plan to move to shorter domain name, you can move website from lo...
[quote]It's called domain forwarding. It's relatively easy if your host offers the capability.[/quote] Cool. Thanks for that. I'll have to try to dig in and see if the WOO/WP system we have makes it easy to turn on or not. It says its the "premium" package, but seems everything you try to do dif...
[quote]Children’s credit should be legally locked until age 15 at absolute minimum. Too many stupid parents have destroyed their children’s lives with obvious fraud like this[/quote] I'm assuming illegals can take advantage of things not getting checked too. This nation definitely needs to figur...
I feel bad for "Jrs," etc with deadbeat dads. Constantly having to make sure their credit check comes thru correctly and hoping they don't have to tell the person how much of a deadbeat his dad/grandpa was/is....
My GF got an alert from her CC Company that they found her info from this ATT data breach on the dark web. This feature hadn't found anything before on her info, but this one has her name old address, phone#, DOB, and SS# so those last 2 are freaking her out. (deservingly) Though the SS# on the...
[quote]Freezing your credit at Equifax, Experian and Trans-Union is free and no-one can see it. You do have to unfreeze if you apply for credit, but that's free, too.[/quote] What do you mean by "no-one can see it"? Your credit info or see that there is a freeze on it? I read that taking the free...
Obviously Google and MS have a big chunk of this, but would be good secure options that don't put your data on these major companies systems. ...

Redirecting URL to another site process?

Posted by HagaDaga on 4/16/24 at 10:19 am
Hi...the company I IC with has a super long URL. Owner didn't think it would matter, but pretty sure it does. I told him he can probably buy another shorter version and just have it redirected to the main site. Though not sure if that takes much to do and if we can do it on our own or have to cal...
They came out and said it was a bad report (obviously). So is there a good time to get in on the stock in case it starts to pop upward after the initial hit? ...

re: Spot Silver - over $27/ounce

Posted by HagaDaga on 4/3/24 at 2:42 pm
Thanks for the input! :cheers:...

re: Spot Silver - over $27/ounce

Posted by HagaDaga on 4/3/24 at 2:01 pm
Looks like ZSL is the inverse/short ETF, so the opposite of SLV. I don't know why but in my short period of learning I seem to be leaning towards learning about and watch ETFs that counter each other. Thanks again. (If anyone knows of a thread on here that discusses this, bless let me know....