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Registered on:2/8/2019
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re: All hell is breaking loose in Dc

Posted by Zendog on 6/8/24 at 7:51 pm
Biden must be shitting his pants...

re: Stop Honking at Falon Brown!

Posted by Zendog on 6/8/24 at 12:43 pm
I've seen better in the quad...
It would make a mockery of the position of president. So yeah...I could see the democrats doing that...

re: Big D*ck Energy!!!

Posted by Zendog on 6/8/24 at 6:51 am
Is that a gun in your pants or are you just happy to see me?...
[quote]“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.”[/quote] ...
[quote]My god Biden is pushing out a huge shite in that pic[/quote] he can't be shitting in every pic...

re: Biden or Obama

Posted by Zendog on 6/7/24 at 5:54 pm
That obama guy came up through what could be the most crooked political system ever (Chicago). You think he was able to reach the presidency because he was squeaky clean? Just the opposite, he's more crooked than any of them...
St. Louis to Santa Barbara, shared the driving...
Thanks, I pitched in the minors and am now a high school pitching coach. My pitching career ended with a torn supraspinatus (rotator cuff). I believe I got that info from a book written by Spanky McFarland who used to coach at James Madison....
She obviously decided to go the only fans route and knew this would be good publicity...
These injuries usually occur because of an imbalance between the muscles that speed the arm up and those muscles that are to slow it down after delivery. Way to many times pitchers focus on improving their velocity but neglect the muscles meant to slow the arm down (tricep, teres minor) leading to a...
I don't think he's a 1st round talent...
I buy gift cards at grocery stores. Buy a $50 gift card (like at a Yardhouse, BJ's or a place like that) and you get $10 off your groceries. Buy that then you get like a 4 pound try tip for $6....
yeah.... but I'm a Bushwhackers fan myself [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xCXuPuO3Dk)]LINK[/link]...
just means you're a bigger piece of shite...

re: Why are store shelves still empty?

Posted by Zendog on 6/5/24 at 12:00 pm
Biden's president...