Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Location:New Orleans
Number of Posts:4908
Registered on:9/10/2017
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No, this just occurred this last session. Bollinger bought Good Day Farms in 2023. LSU partnered with GDF for their growing operation since only LSU & SU held the 2 state growing permits. This year, the legislature decided that LSU & SU shouldn’t be in the weed growing business & took away t...
Also a helicopter belonging to Bollinger Enterprises has been at the Governor’s mansion all afternoon. Must be celebrating. ...
Besides the insane prices, I refuse to support Good Day Farms. Jeff Landry took the growing licenses from LSU & SU and made sure his buddy Boysie Bollinger (owner of Good Day Farms) secured one of the two licenses. The corruption has to stop somewhere. ...
Mississippi doesn’t belong in this conversation. They have lapped Louisiana and made significant strides in improving their state. ...
If the eye is as big as it is, does a 12 mile shift really matter? ...
Go to nws.gov and type in your ZIP in the upper left corner. It’ll give you wind estimates in a graph. ...
I think it depends where you live in BR. The storm is supposed to be go right thru. ...
70810 back up to 75 mph wind gusts ...
The same as earlier :lol: No idea what to expect, 15-20 miles could make a huge difference for us. ...
How many of those were D&C’s? ...
That came directly from the National Weather Service website :dunno: ...
Oh my. Showing 90 mph wind gusts in 70810 at 9pm tomorrow. ...
Yep. We had finals during the 2008 snow storm, we were told to reach out to professors to figure it out. ...
The first cable company that offers an a la carte channel service will take off. I haven’t checked what Cox is charging for cable, but I can’t imagine it’s much more than what YTTV or Hulu or any streaming service is charging. ...
LSU reopened a week or 2 after Gustav. I was a commuter and every single traffic light leading to campus was out and you can imagine the cluster that was. They did not give a frick. ...
LSU would have to make up those days with Saturday classes. I would assume most professors cancel class for the day. So it’s “virtual” days just to avoid the hassle of Saturday makeup days. ...
Yes, that’s why there’s a cone. The cone means the track could be anywhere within it. ...
NHC is usually spot on with their predictions. People give them flack leading up to the storm, but after the fact we realize they’re usually spot on. I don’t see that they’re struggling with this one. ...
[quote]It costs more and I wouldn't use ESPN+ or D+ enough to justify the cost.[/quote] YoutubeTV & the Hulu Live TV bundle are the same price. You get more with the Hulu bundle tho...
The timing has been all over the place. It’s jumped from 1am Thursday to 4pm Wednesday & now 7pm Wednesday. ...