Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Fort Worth
Biography:LSU Alum from Houston
Interests:Football, Soccer, Basketball, Technology, and God
Occupation:Electrical Engineer
Number of Posts:797
Registered on:7/10/2017
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Last I recall, the N word was used negatively to describe or degrade black people BY white people. Its just a word but you wouldn't dare go up to your black friend (if you have any) or a black person and say it casually if you weren't of the same race. I'm sure these are seemingly smart young la...
These are two opposite situations ma'am. For one it is a slanderous word that was used against black people by those of opposite race. So having two white girls use it in a negative light on the celebration of a day that one man stood up for social injustice against black people is wrong and frowned...
Why should he hide the fact that these two young women are seemingly racist? Why should anyone for that matter? Crazy how people want to be racist or extremist or whatever the case is in secret but won't do it in openly then are all "I'm sorry" when they get called out or shown in the light. If ...
There wouldn't be one. LSU pulls way more money from other cooperation's and business than just this one ...
Because supporting a man who has continuously lied, back radical grounds, and who incites marching on our capital to stage a coup is normal, okay, and patriotic which in turn is okay because that person didn't do anything in particularly wrong. In some comparison, I wonder how those in Germany ...
Yeah, granted i'm an 80's baby so I can only go off that. But for those blaming it on liberals neglect to state anything about far right extremist, racist, or those who view anyone else that's not them as inferior. Its one thing to be like "Oh its just the liberals and everyone who doesn't agree...
Right...allowing a PRESIDENT who incites violence and such is perfectly fine so lets allow it correct? ...
They told her along with everyone else to back down and leave. She decided to climb up and thru the window. Her being a VET that worked SECURITY if im not mistaken should've known better. And now she's a victim of her own demise. She even flew from Cali to Washington just to riot and do dumb things....

re: Sydney Sweeney (NSFW)

Posted by FieldMink on 1/4/21 at 12:25 pm
A lot of bbc backshot potential here :nana:...
Its to be precautious i think. In a way its like taking the meds for gonorrhea. Just cause you took the meds doesn't mean go around and start raw dogging every chick you see. Or even the cold, you take the meds for the cold and you can get the cold again....
[quote]In a world where teachers are complaining about teaching in person, because there is a .005% they might die; it is nice to see a district realize children are the most important part of school.[/quote] I don't blame teachers for complaining about having to teach during a time like this. Or...
Yeah okay, bet if they look different you wouldn't say that :rolleyes:...
One thing you can't do is rush progress. I.e. the quote "Rome wasn't built in a day". Hence it may take some time to find the right vaccine even if it is every year. And even so, just like the flu shot, some people take it every year. Is what it is. Rather be safe than sorry. Highly doubt the go...
That literally makes no sense. Why would they want us to stay like this? Where big money making events (concerts, sporting events, festivals, etc) aren't making much anymore? People are out of work or losing their jobs and businesses closing. Some for good. Yeah, it makes perfect since to want th...
[quote]governmental control and the evaporation of our freedoms[/quote] You do realize that this is a virus that can affect anybody and did so at a rapid rate? Hence why shutdown and certain activities were halted. There's a difference between closing down to prevent the spreading of this infecti...

re: Dylan Dreyers arse!!

Posted by FieldMink on 11/30/20 at 10:45 am
:snoozer: :rolleyes:...
Given the state of everything going on, your wife seems to care more about your mothers health more than you do. And its low key selfish to just leave her home alone and take the kids. Praying that your mom doesn't become ill or infected but poor judgement choice made...