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Registered on:2/15/2017
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Leave your car running. Be on the phone and smoking. Crazy how hard it is to blow yourself up unless you are muslim....
[quote]Women can also smell [b]desperation[/b] a mile away.[/quote] Sounds like a product slogan. [i]Desperation, the cologne for the millennial beta male[/i]...
[quote]I wish there were as many residents of south BR who wanted to fight for their city as there are that want to run away and form a new one.[/quote] Should the Titanic survivors have stayed where they were and tried to patch a whole in a boat?...
[quote]What were your DNA Test Results[/quote] Wasn't me....
[quote]someone using their speaker phone in public[/quote] Just carry one of those small cans of Air-Horn with you and blast it at 'em. If they give you a look, just ask, "what, you don't like other people with annoying noise-making devices?" [img]http://contentinfo.autozone.com/znetcs/product-i...
[quote]So now they want to eliminate valedictorians?[/quote] I say we give them something to eliminate and start naming to students at the bottom end of the scale. Something like Vale-dumb-torian....

re: Cosby Jury Deadlocked

Posted by Dont_Call_Me_RAY on 6/15/17 at 9:46 pm
Philly jury...he'll be just fine. They stick together like a bunch of Jim Crow whities from the early 1900s....
[quote]I just kept walking as if I was deaf[/quote] You all are going about it the wrong way. Don't ignore them. As soon as I see them I eyeball them, walk right up to them and tell them I left my wallet at my job and ask if I could borrow $5. Then I shut up, stand there and watch what they have t...
[quote]2nd pic...3,2,[b]1[/b][/quote] Have to disagree with the "1".. [img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e15/11378209_1473616792949291_1559988695_n.jpg https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xft1/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12237128_1628059007457984_384766960_...

re: First Female NFL Player?

Posted by Dont_Call_Me_RAY on 6/15/17 at 8:27 am
9.0 I'd let her kick my balls...
[quote]Shot in the hip with a rifle can be life threatening.[/quote] I'm referring both to [b]most[/b] people survive a shot to the hip which is much better than being shot above the hip. My god, the entire OP is off its meds today. :lol:...
[quote]Praying the reports he's gonna be OK are true[/quote] He'll be fine. Shot to the hip is not life threatening. And you are right, he's a great guy....
[quote]Rebel[/quote] Watch out, we got some self-righteous folk running around the OT this am, haha. ...
[quote]I hope the hate mongering media and SJW's are happy. Steve is a great guy. Shot them in the dugout where they couldn't easily get away. SOB[/quote] Why would this be downvoted 8 times already? ...
I think it's where David and Goliath met up....
[quote]Louisiana Gov. Huey Long kept deducts from state employee salaries to fund his political operation.[/quote] [img]http://www.infomaniacsworld.com/Images/huey-p-long-statue.png[/img] Don't memorialize thieves Take it DOWN!...
How about that? Well, it's not a new concept....
For average commercial office off $3,000 feet the main cost is Electric/Gas which is around $600/mo. Water/Sewer, throw in another $100. If you have multiple servers and/or other 24 hour equipment and if it is a free-standing structure (not multiple floor office space) then figure around $1,000/m...