Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Grew up in La...moved to God's country as adult; but bleed PURPLE and Gold!!
Number of Posts:122
Registered on:11/8/2006
Online Status:Not Online

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Oh dear God...just saw his link. This is the kind of guy that everyone avoids at a cocktail party, lest you be trapped in the corner having to discuss 18th century liturature with him while he sips ever so slowly on his chardonnay... :banghead: :banghead: I have an MD...not that it is a big de...

Kevin Cope is obviously not a fan...

Posted by cajunintn on 12/14/12 at 12:48 pm
His remarks in the Times_Picayune on Miles' raise. Why, exactly, are they interviewing this guy?! [link=(http://www.nola.com/opinions/index.ssf/2012/12/lsu_has_to_show_les_miles_the.html)]NOLA Article[/link] [quote]Now Cope's a smart guy, and I don't mean to make fun of him. While he counts...
[quote]If ole miss and state merged we would be on bama and lsu's level easily. [/quote] You would still be behind financially, educationally, socially, economically, AND morally. :spank: :spank:...
Frustration bears great creativity :bow: :bow:...
Also, the point of the post was to illustrate that Manziel accomplished a feat that has been done over 30 times in NCAA history. We, however, are excited about 3 250+ yd games for the first time in a season in over 20 years. I like progress as much as any Tiger fan. My hope is that this trans...
[quote]so because we haven't had a kid like Manziel we don't develop our QBs? [/quote] No, because we have had a five star Russell Shepard, Jamarcus Russell (#1 pick), Matt Flynn, Rohan Davy. All of them had talent, but were usually reduced to 'game managers' in our style of offense. Don't g...

re: LSU Players respond to CLM's rant.

Posted by cajunintn on 11/20/12 at 3:36 pm
Just love to see the players genuine first reactions to the video...they look like we all do when watching CLM :geauxtigers:...
[quote]what movie is this from?[/quote] You Are Kidding.... Right?? :banghead:...
Player in NCAA FBS history with three games of at least 300 passing yards and 100 rushing yards in the same season -- Texas A&M QB Johnny Manziel. Entering the 2012 season, this feat had been accomplished 39 times, and four players had done it twice, making Manziel the career leader in his freshman ...
[quote]Saban's not going to live forever. Neither will Miles. There's always drop offs when coaches get replaced. Had Kiffen stayed at UT they might be pretty good right now. Don't know why you'd think UT will never be good again. [/quote] Are you high?? Kiffen was/is/always will be a narcissi...
[quote]But we are where we are because the O was putrid v Florida and honestly Florida while ranked highly isn't that good And we are here because we pissed the Bama game away with poor coaching decisions, stupid penalties, missed FG and poor play in final 2 minutes of each half on D.[/quote] ...

re: Elementary, my dear Sumlin

Posted by cajunintn on 11/13/12 at 6:42 pm
:bow: :bow:...
Champions Bowl fits in where? Is it just a new name/substitute for the Sugar? If so, why re-name the same bowl?? It was announced recently it is in N.O. So...what is the difference? ...

re: Bowl Games need to go completely

Posted by cajunintn on 11/12/12 at 3:24 pm
Like everything else...the almighty dollar rules. If it doesn't turn a profit...then it will stop happening. Money is like oxygen....
Sorry...prob won't get it fixed. I'll continue to lurk and watch you, master....
[img]http://grfx.cstv.com/photos/schools/ole/sports/m-footbl/auto_headshot/8002364.jpeg[/img] [img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTgzMDI2MTYxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjU2MzQ5NQ@@._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg[/img] Got it right this time :cool:...
[img]http://grfx.cstv.com/photos/schools/ole/sports/m-footbl/auto_headshot/8002364.jpeg[/img] [img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTgzMDI2MTYxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjU2MzQ5NQ@@._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg[/img : :geauxtigers:...
The jumbotron at UT (they only have one in the south end zone) is HUGE. However, 40% of it is used for the same thing...advertising during the game and for replays. The entire thing is used when videos promoting the athletic program are played at twice the normal volume. It is always, always abo...
The people...definitely, and the chants. It keeps up the energy, the noise, the show. No other school keeps the energy up for so long, or can. I go to UT games here in Knoxville...it is like a pro game. Boring...
More important is who should wear #18 I know...the team chooses...