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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:9/28/2015
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Wow, so Pat Bev lost control of his emotions over that generic and common chant? Talk about soft. ...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by WaterLink on 5/2/24 at 9:45 pm
[quote]I'm half expecting the Leafs to win the next 2. It's Leafs/Bruins, it's gotta go 7. Plus Bruins just love fricking around when they're on the brink of advancing[/quote] Predictable af. Dunno what happens in game 7 though. Do the Bruins rip their heart out in Boston yet again or do the L...

re: FAFO Channel On Twitter...

Posted by WaterLink on 5/2/24 at 5:59 pm
This feed has validated my decision to never get into stuff like skateboarding or mountain biking, etc. A lot of these people aren't even wearing protective gear like that guy that skidded on his face for like a full 10 yards on the pavement after wiping out off his bike God bless the brave adre...
[quote]Mask up to prevent illness and doxxing[/quote] "Wear a mask to protect your identity during protest" Where have I heard that concept before? [img]https://ids.si.edu/ids/deliveryService?max_w=800&id=NMAAHC-2013_55_1ab_001[/img]...
[quote]She wasn't tracking her cycles and we weren't timing sex like we did for the first two pregnancies.[/quote] We didn't even get a chance to do that. When me and my wife were dating and didn't want a kid yet she was on BC but she went off of it about 6 months before we got married so I start...
First of all, congrats on the kid, I sincerely mean that. We're still only at one, but plan on trying for a 2nd probably towards the end of next year, as we expect a career change and possibly a house change by next summer so we're trying to get through that first. But... [quote]We were not tr...
[quote]Explain NBA traveling to me like I'm 5[/quote] [img]https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fe7399e20-e856-4728-a2b0-983be5aece38_836x459.png[/img]...
Obligatory [img]https://y.yarn.co/595fb664-9323-4684-b321-729f05050f84_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]Ascension is currently going through something kinda similar with Prairieville High and Dutchtown high. The students from the new Prairieville High zone thats currently going to Dutchtown thats about to be juniors and seniors have the option to finish at Dutchtown next year since they've been...

re: Tank dell shot

Posted by WaterLink on 4/28/24 at 7:01 pm
[quote]I don't hang out at hood parties[/quote] [img]https://s3-media0.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/nuQ7IG4pn1KS40akC2Y0Jw/348s.jpg[/img] [img]https://s3-media0.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/zuE5a_esu5YK0qabznwmaw/348s.jpg[/img] This is where the shooting was at. Looks like a chill place to relax and watch ...
[quote]Rock Bottom for the 76er franchise[/quote] How long have you watched the NBA? Philly has put some absolute garbage teams on the court in my lifetime, to the point Adam Silver and other team owners stepped in and demanded they hire Jerry Colangelo on their staff because they felt the shitty...

re: Tank dell shot

Posted by WaterLink on 4/28/24 at 4:23 pm
Sounds like he wasn't involved in the altercation or shooting at all, was just a bystander caught in the crossfire. ...
[quote]the Angels routinely finish in the upper half in attendance[/quote] Ticket sales don't tell the story. The Chargers finish in the top half of NFL attendance too, because fans of opposing teams in town buy the tickets to see the team they want to root for or fans go to take a trip to LA alo...
[quote]well that's an opinion[/quote] They support the Dodgers and Lakers but that's about it. Chicago and NY, even Boston and Philly shows out for all of their teams. They may have some fairweather seasons in the others sports like when Gretzky was on the Kings and their cup runs or when the...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by WaterLink on 4/27/24 at 10:29 pm
I'm half expecting the Leafs to win the next 2. It's Leafs/Bruins, it's gotta go 7. Plus Bruins just love fricking around when they're on the brink of advancing...

re: How is CJ this bad in the clutch

Posted by WaterLink on 4/27/24 at 4:15 pm
Has he ever been? Dame was always the clutch one...

re: The Golden State Warriors

Posted by WaterLink on 4/27/24 at 9:56 am
Kobe rode it out even though the Lakers sucked towards the end. Steph should be a Warrior for life. He doesn't need to ring chase, he already has his legacy. ...

re: Hold on Herm squandered what?

Posted by WaterLink on 4/26/24 at 10:24 pm
[quote]Dungy[/quote] [img]https://awfulannouncing.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/94/2023/10/Screen-Shot-2023-10-30-at-12.54.17-PM.png[/img]...