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Registered on:4/30/2015
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[quote]It did the thing again. [/quote] Yep Nick [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMrxmZpWQAAho7a?format=jpg&name=small[/img]...
[quote]I’d welcome you criticizing Trump. Feel free. [/quote] I'd welcome you to praise him. Feel free. ...
[quote]Trump tied himself to MAGA Mike. No one else. [/quote] And for that all of you TDS infected folks go to the Dem playbook & think that we should feel like he is somehow magically above reproach & never be criticized correct? I am still waiting on those bad arse California McCarthy bills....
So basically the only thing you and the other TDS infected folks want to do is try to tie everything to Trump as your only argument or answer to everything correct? ...
[quote]Ok. How were they worse? [/quote] You claimed you knew they were better so post em up What was in those bills to stop the Dem Commie agenda and push the Republicans forward in America? ...
[quote]but I know the bills McCarthy was ready to bring to vote were all better[/quote] No the frick you don't Cut the bullshite...
For the downvotes Was going to make the above tweet a gif to use on here but after the change on twitter I could never find a compatible gifmaker so I decided to just post it now that we can embed on here and clear the bookmark :lol: :cheers:...
[quote]UNC Flag Frat GoFundMe now $486k[/quote][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F8wlKJ3bgAAO4w5?format=jpg&name=small[/img]...
[quote]I guess my point is, why try to take out Johnson when Trump wouldn't fight when it counted? [/quote] Because frick Laying Down I don't give a shite who wouldn't fight ...
Is any of that supposed to stop me & others from scrutinizing & opposing what is taking place? ...
[quote]I don't understand the willingness of several on here to just accept what the GOPe does and say...oh well, it could be worse. Newsflash...it's already worse!! The GOP in congress with a few exceptions, are not helping any of us. They just gave the Dems everything they wanted plus some and...
[quote]Wrong time and it could be devastating[/quote] OR maybe you are referring to the type of devastation of allowing RINOs to resign their positions past a certain date that puts the party majority in jeopardy? ...
[quote]Wrong time and it could be devastating[/quote] You mean like pass everything the Dem Commies bring to the table That kind of devastation is currently taking place ...
[quote]What’s their end game besides getting Hakeem Olajuwon to become the speaker? [/quote] I fail to see the difference at this point This speaker and the gang of RINOs have pushed through absolutely everything that the Dems and Commies have asked for to the detriment of their own party cou...
In other destructive news to keep up with they have just declared a 6 alarm fire in Brooklyn NY [embed]https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1785815934025838743[/embed] [embed]https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1785821223240290587[/embed]...