Favorite team:Missouri 
Location:Columbia, MO
Number of Posts:133
Registered on:10/7/2013
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[quote]Honestly, at least the kid called in and corrected his batshit crazy Dad. I could easily see a pissed off kid in that situation just letting it ride if he felt like Haith ran him off. [/quote] He called in because he still has a future somewhere in overseas basketball and he doesn't want ...
[quote]He's transferring? [/quote] Yeah, I don't know what that's referring to. He's out of eligibility. Nowhere to transfer to. Clarkson is going pro, yes, and so is Brown, most likely. We're an NIT team next year, but we have a good young core that should have us back in the NCAAs by 2015-...
[quote]What's going on with this? Apparently Criswell's dad called in and now Criswell is on Fbaum [/quote] Whoa, wait. Criswell called in, too? I heard the dad, but not Criswell himself....
Mizzou basketball was a flaming turd this year and still managed 23 wins. Between Criswell not accepting his role, Brown and Clarkson both having fathers diagnosed with cancer, and Post amounting to zippo, it's a wonder we even managed to go 9-9 in league....

re: Where do you rank Mizzou fans?

Posted by hissingprigs77 on 10/23/13 at 5:21 pm
[quote][img]http://www.oldsocks.co.uk/pictures/Ashley%20Judd/Ashley%20Judd_2.jpg[/img][/quote] Uh, yeah. She doesn't look like that anymore. [img]http://sugarsurgery.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Ashley-Judd-Plastic-Surgery.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Texas can do better than Saban. [/quote] He's 61 years old. How much does he realistically have left in the tank? If I'm Texas, I'd rather look for an up and coming youngster with a reputation as a recruiter. Somebody in 40-50 years old range who can build a program over the course of twe...

re: Where do you rank Mizzou fans?

Posted by hissingprigs77 on 10/23/13 at 5:01 pm
[quote]Never seen a sailing fishin' skiff. [/quote] https://www.google.com/search?q=skiff&rlz=1C1TSNF_enUS448US448&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=wkNoUo-RM4i42AW9uYGoCg&ved=0CEIQsAQ&biw=1517&bih=741...

re: Where do you rank Mizzou fans?

Posted by hissingprigs77 on 10/23/13 at 4:46 pm
[quote]If Ole Miss was in the East, they'd have gone at least two or three times this decade. [/quote] If if's were skiffs, we'd all be sailing....
[quote]everything is always 'I heard'. [/quote] I know you don't have a job or friends or anything like that, but if you did, and you'd worked in and been networking for more than a decade in a place that has always leaked information like a sieve, someone might actually talk to you someday. ...
[quote]I'm assuming it's just games. [/quote] According to the press conference, he's not allowed to practice or be in meetings or film sessions from November 8-25. ...
per Andy Katz: [quote]A source with direct knowledge told ESPN.com that Haith won't appeal the suspension and that the coach wanted to put the whole process behind him, rather than extending the 27-month ordeal even longer and possibly missing games against SEC opponents.[/quote] http://espn....
That contingent doesn't have nearly the influence with the Athletic Department that they did pre-Quin/Plaige, but the Lauries/Kroenkes still give big. Also, I think the Lauries/Kroenkes were involved in coming up with the "new" name, Mizzou Arena, after the Plaige scandal broke. They did spend 25 mi...
For the first five games? Can't find anything official about it, but have heard it a few different places today. Anybody else heard anything about that?...

re: Bleacher Report SEC BB page

Posted by hissingprigs77 on 10/22/13 at 10:41 am
Bleacher Report is garbage regardless of who they're spending their time writing about....
Everybody who roots for a high major division 1 basketball program lives in a glass house, then. IF you look at almost any program long and hard enough, you can find something. Frank Haith didn't invent bending the rules, John Calipari didn't invent bending the rules, either--that's just the game...
[quote]Lulz, Cal has never been suspended or been slapped by the NCAA. [/quote] ahahahahahaha. Except for all those Final Fours he's had to vacate. ...
[quote]If TAMU goes 8-4, what's JFF's legacy?[/quote] That of a QB who carried his team to 8 wins despite having almost no defense whatsoever. 19-6 in two years at aTm is a nice legacy, especially when the second season would have been a total loss without JFF on campus....
It'd be a huge contingent. I know Mizzou has a reputation for not traveling well, but if they make the SECCG, throw all that out the window. Bama would still outdraw us, but it'd be a lot closer than you think....
I have it on 394 out of Columbia, MD, which is a channel I think I only have because of a data entry error. If you have the extended package, you probably have it....
I am furious. Can't watch the World Series either. They've already given me free HBO/Showtime plus thirty dollars off my bill for two years, but I still have to cancel. Switch to Charter. Who knew I'd have to stoop so low. fricking Charter....