Favorite team:Auburn 
Number of Posts:11132
Registered on:10/21/2005
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[quote]Miles Kelly[/quote] I’ve seen him play Miles Kelly a couple games over the last couple years at McCammish while my son was a GT student. He can play. They had him focus more on defense when the new coaching staff came in but he lit it up for 20+ on both games I saw. I was stunned we picked...

re: Cowardice among SEC fans

Posted by TailbackU on 5/22/24 at 2:13 pm
Chick ball sucks...
Honestly, might be the best thing for college football for Clemson to win a nattty, but that shite ain’t happening. Even if he gets a new do....
So basically the same teams 6-8 teams that have a shot at the title just like the last 10 years ...
Hey AI Image generator, make me a graphic, put them in some kind of order, randomize 4 or 5 descriptions, post it and let’s see how many fish will bite....
They have a brutal schedule next two years. UF drew the short straw when the SEC expanded to 16 teams. ...

re: Blue Bell has the best Ice cream

Posted by TailbackU on 5/16/24 at 11:45 pm
I stopped drinking and stopped eating sugar a while back. Don’t miss the drinking so much but I do miss Blue Bell ice cream. Stuff is delicious. ...
War Damn Harrison Butker. Took courage. Whether or not you agree. I admire his bravery. ...

re: SIAP New Network funny

Posted by TailbackU on 5/15/24 at 11:30 am
Why didn’t they use the new Ole Miss mascot? [img]https://thedmonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/4-1-24-mascot-solo-cup.png[/img]...
Even 14 years later a sure fire way to rustle the leg jumpers jimmies every single time. ...
[quote]"Why can't Aaron Murray win the big games?"[/quote] [img]https://cdn1.sbnation.com/imported_assets/1919003/Nick-Fairley-Heavyweight-Champ.gif[/img] ...

re: Best SEC 90's teams?

Posted by TailbackU on 5/13/24 at 7:57 am
Used to really enjoy watching that UT/UF game in the 3rd weekend in September. Those 90’s match up had some epic games. ...
We haven’t been good for the better part of a decade it’s true but that doesn’t take away the fact that Tech is not exactly a powerhouse on UGA’s schedule. ...
[quote]always loved Clowney and his upside was huge but he never showed that in the NFL[/quote] People said that about Audrey Bruce after he was drafted as well, and while he didn’t live up to the #1 draft status, the dude played 12 seasons in the NFL. Hardly a bust. ...
Tech has the talent of like a South Florida or East Carolina. It’s ain’t that special to play them....
As a football fan and a fan of tradition I’m glad this game is back on. Realignment has killed so many good rivalries. I will be cheering for A&M because the Texas fans are horrible....
[quote]Auburn never gave Harsin a chance. [/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/d8KOpGnzaAEI7JiVUp/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952mv1ifkp0kcad43ych2516wu47nml8e6dj8llwn0e&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] ...
[quote]3 touchdown loss at home to New Mexico st is probably one of the most insane scores of the last decade[/quote] It wasn’t even that close, honestly. They dragged Auburn up and down the field that day. ...