Favorite team:Georgia 
Location:Warwick, GA
Biography:It takes a big man to admit he’s wrong, and I am not a big man.
Number of Posts:1207
Registered on:9/22/2012
Online Status:Not Online

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Disappointed I didn't make the list...
Just came here to see if that video had been posted. Looks great....
[link=(https://x.com/OliviaKSayer/status/1793426331184808381)][img]https://ptpimg.me/u56162.png[/img][/link] Edit: Oh, and LSU run-ruled UK...
My expectation to start this season was that Wes is going to need time to put his pitching staff together. I'm confident he can put a staff together of 2-3 starters that are reliable. In my mind, pitching is king in college. If you can get a good staff, you can go far. In the first season, I hav...
Man, Wes dressed Roberge down on the mound. Deserved....
I predict FU's RPI will drop significantly this week and we'll get Dawggraded for sweeping them next weekend. :rotflmao: regardless, sweep their Gator asses next weekend and let them worry about winning in Hoover...
Hosting a Super is in play fellers...
That Condon boy is like... [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcXIzMWt4amk5d3lwZTFoOTkxZ3UxYjVzazE1eGtjMXR3cWwxNWdpMCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/lE9RBXPb36prtppvW0/giphy.gif[/img] and Goldstein follows with a solo shot. 10-3 Dawgs...
[link=(https://x.com/AnthonyDasher1/status/1786885039667441665)]Dasher[/link] Some favorable news on Charlie Goldstein who had to come out of the game in the third. Coach Johnson said the lefty was dealing with cramping in his left tricep. He will be examined again to be sure....
haven't seen anything, did not look good, dammit...
and it is over 14-4 in 8 Gonzo triples to run rule Candyass...
Branch hangs 2 more on Candyass 12-4...
Phelps gonna be a problem for the SEC...
Candy's bitch arse pitching coach just got ejected for being a bitch arse ...
Collins with a doo-doo, 9-4 Dawgs Condon up...
yep, that was the last pitch before rain delay, then the bastards challenged it after the delay and were smacked down, damn I hate Candy, buncha pussies...
ground out and wild pitch puts Dawgs back up 6-4...
bases are loaded with no outs loaded them with a HBP right before the Candy pitcher started whining about the rain...