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Location:Big Momma's House
Biography:Student, Philanthropist
Interests:LSU Football and Soft Toss
Occupation:Kicking Peeps
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Registered on:10/28/2010
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Lol, this changes practically nothing and it says nothing about what they teach their students and what they promote to their broader culture. These universities are in too deep. ...
How dare they impede her right to steal!...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOsj46hWsAAjOz1?format=jpg&name=large[/img] [link=(https://www.episcopalchurch.org/publicaffairs/episcopal-church-unveils-new-pride-shield-in-celebration-of-lgbtq-inclusion/)]Official Press Release[/link]...
You can embed the link. [embed]https://x.com/fashion_nfl/status/1795471313361899951?s=19[/embed] Baylor is one of those schools that changes uniforms so often that you barely notice anymore. ...
[quote]he clip shows Gates in 2010 [/quote] He also looks a lot skinnier. ...
[quote]I dont disagree completely. Billions and billions are wasted in the final months on people with 0 quality of life But there is of course a difference between killing somebody and letting them die in peace[/quote] I don't either but this is Bill Gates we're talking here. It'll have ...
[quote]fricking idiot. I despise old men just spreading their seed knowing full well they are perpetuating the problems of this country. Being a father is more then leaving an inheritance[/quote] ALL ABOUT THAT MONEY BRO. You're just jealous you aren't rich....
[quote]the real problem with modern “conservativism” is that it deliberately chose not to attempt to conserve anything [/quote] Most conservatives now are money only conservatives. They hate being taxed and want more money. They never cared about culture war stuff even though that was the real...
[quote]I’m a decently young guy, and while I hate the dumbarse Marxists of my generation, I place a lot of the blame on the lazy fricking parents who thought that constantly complaining about the younger generations without not trying at all to instill positive thinking about America in their childr...
-The entertainment industry has destroyed American politics -Politicians are shamelessly and unapologetically corrupt and flaunt it openly -Social media provides almost no functional knowledge for the average person/student -America has become a winner take all society where people are comp...
[quote]My only hope is that Abreu sucks bad enough when he does play (like he was before) and they force him to retire[/quote] My guess is they're bringing him up now, despite his very poor results in AAA, to basically confirm that he's done. Maybe there's a clause or league rule that will allow...
Now you see why our leaders love the Chinese-style dictatorship....
More gender division = fewer marriages = fewer children = depopulation (South Korea and Japan as the best model to use) [embed]https://x.com/xxclusionary/status/1794872641154871803[/embed]...
[quote]If you're an idiot. Leftists are in no way about smaller government.[/quote] Leftists want NO legislation on their LGBTQ sex parties in public spaces. They want ALL legislation of any religious anything. A cross in a public space...HERESY AGAINST THE PROGRESSIVE CHURCH. Libe...
[quote]Not pictured: Leftist "regulation of morality and behavior" via government.[/quote] I just want to stand naked in front of a daycare bro, stop legislating my behavior bro. Are you a puritan religious nut or something? It's MY TRUTH that it's good and moral to stand naked in front of a ki...
People who never cared about star wars just looking for something to bitch about and get attention. These people are just hammers looking for nails and star wars is just a means to an end. The worst part is Disney actually listens to these people and star wars sucks now. These people wouldn't ...
Libertarians don't know what to do when weed isn't the #1 issue. They were weed only parry forever but that's taken a back seat in recent years....
The world is a competitive place. Everyone wants to be the best, have the best stuff, the most money, the most glory. ...
[quote]It's interesting that Muslims are planning a long term relationship with the democRat party. If they gain influence there, where will the LGBTQLMNOP people call home?[/quote] Their uniting feature is hating whites and Christians. ...