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Location:Baja Alabama
Biography:Ostendit futura praeteritis.
Occupation:Confirmed Auburnist
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Registered on:11/5/2009
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re: The Blue Angels

Posted by FearlessFreep on 5/28/24 at 9:59 pm
they flew over my house Sunday as I was setting up the grill always love those late afternoon flyovers at the beach, seeing them roaring down the shoreline just a few feet above the water you can always the tourists from the locals when that happens, tourists are like “oh my God wtf was that” ...
i’m still a heretic when it comes to ribs dust them liberally with garlic powder and dunk them in Dales for 30 minutes the grill them over an open flame haven’t got the patience for that slow smoker ...
the real problem with modern “conservativism” is that it deliberately chose not to attempt to conserve anything instead it counted its achievements in terms of expanding the bloated US empire, advancing crony capitalism, and promoting policies that enabled the globalist elite at the expense of th...

re: Red Clay Strays

Posted by FearlessFreep on 5/26/24 at 9:27 pm
I was at this performance [embed]https://youtu.be/In8ytPcEuvU?si=gr71FgnYi_mLns_Q[/embed] good to see them breaking out, damn good band...
[quote]I think I have some circulation issues in my lower legs. I have constant leg cramps at night. I believe it is caused by dehydration and my shite lifestyle of sitting all day long and not getting enough exercise. fricking sucks [/quote]dehydration and low potassium drink Gatorade and eat bana...
sitting on the porch swing, enjoying a cuppa and a nice breezy Sunday morning before I head into church not quite summer here yet, but it’s getting close[quote]Enjoy every day you have above ground. There is no set time on it. [/quote]that part :cheers:...

re: Football Recruiting Thread

Posted by FearlessFreep on 5/26/24 at 8:18 am
[quote] I know they say its between Stanford and Auburn for Babalola, and we have lost a couple in years past to them given the academic aspect. But those guys were not the level of Babalola. He will be in the pros one day. Now if that is your career path, ask yourself, Auburn and the SEC or St...

re: Beatles obsession thread

Posted by FearlessFreep on 5/25/24 at 11:04 pm
hold your head up, you silly girl...
[quote]This is about getting a quick conviction on him and being able to label him as a felon. Then, when he wins in November, this will give Congress a reason to not certify the election.[/quote]which dovetails with my assertion that even if Trump wins the EC, he will never take office which mak...
this thread wouldn’t be complete without this: [embed]https://youtu.be/52DUrv1gCUw?si=K5PLinVXwrT0aqxR[/embed] this version came out in 2014 during a period of great turmoil and tumult in my life excellent example of how music transports you to a different time and place, i’ll never be a...
never heard of this band before this thread i cant thank you enough this is fricking incredible [embed]https://youtu.be/Z--D1flPLnk?si=93Exwpsu9uzfdeDs[/embed] ...
this comes out the day the guy who ended “super sizing” croaked [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExb245cHMzM3Z3ZnFpY25sazZrdmUxcnBzbTRmbWtjeHBzaXM0c3VpNSZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/ioR8R00S5SibK/200.gif[/img]...
[quote]They say wokeness has killed comedy, but this might end up being the comedy film of the decade.[/quote]more likely there will be millions spent in “development” and not a single second of footage will ever be shot grifters gonna grift...
[quote]Carson was kind of odd in that he wasn't a very friendly or social person off the set. But as soon as those curtains opened up and the flood lights turned on he was so witty, outgoing and charismatic.[/quote]this was the basis of Jerry Lewis’s performance as late night host Jerry Langford in...
yeah, no Skeletor Scott is just another GOPe statist, who would do for the Senate what Mike Johnson has done for the House wonder why Turtle’s other home state Senator isn’t running, he would be a real change agent...
just did the math, our household fleet of 4 vehicles averages 24 years 9 months of course my 62-year-old VW convertible skews the numbers slightly ...

re: Beatles obsession thread

Posted by FearlessFreep on 5/21/24 at 8:42 pm
Hot Take: listening to "Something" rn and i’ve come to the conclusion that the song would be pretty forgettable if not for McCartney's harmonies and i say this as someone who thinks George's contributions to their success are underrated ...
[quote]Debut album from a band who should should have been much bigger (1969)[/quote]they played the old AU Student Act building (the one that burned down live on ESPN) in 1980 one of the most enjoyable live shows i’ve ever witnessed, just a laid back bunch of rockers who never tasted the fame th...