Favorite team:Arkansas 
Number of Posts:10
Registered on:9/30/2021
Online Status:Not Online

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Texarkana still produces talent. Just on the wrong side of the state line....
Because we’re playing for next year. Except this time, we don’t want to ruin our QBs for next year playing behind this years line....

re: After two weeks

Posted by MFG on 9/14/23 at 6:28 am
This was a similar issue with Alex Collins. I’m fine with putting weight on lineman, but with skill positions you can really change a person....

re: Biggest Transfer bust

Posted by MFG on 8/30/22 at 7:25 pm
Ill chalk that up to a Chad Morris issue....
Hang the banner Print the shirts...
[quote]and apparently people were injected with something. the cops are looking into it[/quote] This story ended up being false....
He deleted tweets encouraging people to sneak in almost immediately after the show. The festival also had a promotional video showing fans crashing the gate and rushing in....