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Location:Easter Island
Interests:The effect of minimal solar storms on the reproductive urge of the albatross.
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Registered on:8/1/2020
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The Puppeteer needed two people without a future in the Democratic Party to serve for one term. Joey and Heels Up were picked to just enjoy the ride while the handlers worked to destroy the country. Joey is in real bad shape mentally and Heels Up has always been about the quickies....
[quote]His biggest problem is that he tends to repeat some of his points as his brain catches up to his mouth.[/quote] It is his greatest asset. The repetition provides memorization for the listener. It is one of the oldest tricks in the annals of communication. POTUS Trump at 8D Go!!...
[quote]Why should Trump debate before the GOP convention even happens? (Convention is 7-15 to 7-18)[/quote] For Comedic fun at the convention. It will be hilarious while pointing out the Biden Lies. However, you do not want to make Biden look too bad for they might pull him off the team at the DN...
[quote]Obama for sure. Hated him and his policies, but he was a master orator even when speaking off the cuff.[/quote] :lol: :lol: Barry Soetero could not speak without a teleprompter. That was well known. Here is a link to a C-SPAN example. If you need more, there are hundreds. [link=(htt...
[quote]Genesis 3:16 …. Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.”[/quote] Genesis 3:16 …. Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you until he gives you the right to vote. FIFY Hosea 5:4 Their deeds will not allow them To return to their ...

re: CPI comes in hot at 3.4%

Posted by Timeoday on 5/15/24 at 8:51 am
[quote]Based on compounded YoY inflation during Biden admin what does the market value mean in real gains for the American people?[/quote] :lol: :bow: Regardless, though they claim now the rate of inflation is stable at 3.4% the cumulative and compounding affect of inflation at 20% + remains....
[quote]She'll be 35 in December. She's ready to settle down.[/quote] Maybe her and the NFL dude are in a "bearded" relationship!!...
[quote]Taylor Swift is celebrated as the ultimate feminist, the It Girl whom every girl can look up to. Ironically, this woman, who could be seen as the antithesis of the Christian life, is desperately telling the world that all her success is empty, and what she wants is to be loved by a man and ha...
These guys know how to use the system that guarantees them face time on a network. The complicit Lying Media (MSM) provides their cover....
[quote]I'll be your huckleberry.I assume you support a background check every time someone wants to cast their vote[/quote] Outstanding. Besides, who you vote for is secret. the ownership of arms or weapons should be as well. Goooooooooooberment must respect the people!!...

re: The Adults are Back in Charge

Posted by Timeoday on 5/15/24 at 7:45 am
Voluntary POTUS Trump knew who would volunteer. Dayum!!...

re: CPI comes in hot at 3.4%

Posted by Timeoday on 5/15/24 at 7:43 am
I knew that was why they raised the gas prices. They needed to slow this thing down....

re: Ole Miss NAACP pulls a Commie move

Posted by Timeoday on 5/15/24 at 7:42 am
[quote]Well there is one video of frat boy making monkey sounds at the black protestor flipping them off[/quote] Are you saying the NAACP is representing a monkey? No way. Besides, being compared to a monkey is used in an extremely broad context among every walk of life, don't ya think?...
[quote]I'm not saying I don't believe this happened but the source is literally Pravda[/quote] How is Pravda any different than Reuters, AP, or our domestic MSM? Do tell .... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:...
Friggin' CDC doing their best to make us depend on it. Frig doctors!!...
As long as it was not a "Hit and Fly" POTUS Trump should be good....
I have smoked more pot than anyone on this board and I want to make love, not war. Therefore, I am always for the guy who keeps us out of war. But, I will not push back if pushed. Your lights will simply go out....
We do not want the Arab - Jew conflict here. I like going into cafes and coffee shops without worry of being blown to bits. However, if it were to start happening here, oh my my. Americans have guns and they know how to use them. But we do not want that, right?...
[quote]If you didn't know this was happening on a grand stage, you may have a negative IQ. The way those politicians are sending that money over there? Oh yea, they're getting their cut back on it somehow.[/quote] With so much chaos and corruption it is easy to lose focus. It is healthy to be rem...
[quote]Martyna Bohuslavets, Director of the Mezha Anti-Corruption Center, has raised alarms over the misappropriation of funds in Ukraine amidst the ongoing military conflict with Russia. Writing in Pravda, Bohuslavets reports that millions of dollars were “transferred to Kharkiv OVA to front compan...