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For a bunch of smart people, they sure are dumb....
[quote]Only way they win is to steal the election which is highly probable.[/quote] Absolutely. This time they will need to cobble together north of 85 million votes for Joe....
It's a lazy narrative which hopes that people will continue to ignore the fact that all politicians move to Washington and never, ever leave....
Even when progressives back butt backwards into something good they still can’t be happy. They are the most miserable people on the planet....

re: This is becoming nightmarish

Posted by RAB on 5/11/24 at 4:27 pm
Good night, that is one ugly woman....
[quote]Such as?[/quote] According to the constitution, Congress writes the checks. I'll bet you they could scurry up a bipartisan effort to slap the White House's hand on this. This is a bad sign. I remember Richard Nixon saying in the early 90s that no president would ever dream of abandoning...
There is clearly no executive leadership coming from Biden. Throughout 50 years of being a prototypical Beltway politician, Biden has always been a supporter of Israel. You cannot convince me that he is making these decisions. Congress must take control of this. They have the constitutional autho...
BSA Executive: How do we shed our image of being perverted, sex-obsessed pedophiles? Outside firm: Allow openly gay men to watch children and let girls go on overnight campouts with boys. Oh, and change your name. BSA Executive: Sounds great!...

re: Slot machines are sad to me...

Posted by RAB on 5/6/24 at 10:43 am
[quote]It’s not the government’s responsibility to stop degenerates from ruining their lives.[/quote] Agreed. But it is immoral that the government rakes in boatloads of money off of degenerates ruining their lives....
[quote] Nah. I've just seen enough of these stupid arguments about kids, religion, or whatever else people need in their lives to put almost no value in emotional arguments like that. [/quote] You’re involved in a lot of these stupid arguments. Obviously there is far greater reward to raising ...
[quote]No, your original point was that burdening your children with taking care of you when you can't do it yourself is somehow cause to have children in the first place.[/quote] You said that people who haven’t experienced childlessness in old age amuse you when they have opinions about childl...
[quote]It's sad if your children are your parachute.[/quote] I agree. The original point was that in the same way you don’t have to experience a free fall to know the value of a parachute, you don’t have to experience childlessness in old age to know how much that would suck....
[quote]I think I'd just grab a parachute if I knew I was going to be jumping out of an airplane.[/quote] Unless they chose to spend a fortune freezing them beforehand, there are no parachutes available for old people....
[quote]It's amusing to watch people who have kids pretend to know what it's like to grow older without kids.[/quote] I don't have to experience jumping out of an airplane without a parachute to know that it won't end well....
[quote]And there it is….the “no one will take care of you when you get older” reason to have kids It always makes it’s appearance [/quote] That’s because no one will. These DINKs just better make sure they put a lot of their disposable income in retirement to ensure that they end up in a nicer ...
[quote]Or maybe just maybe ……they just enjoy the life path they have chosen. [/quote] Sure. More power to them. I’m only saying that at some point things aren’t as shiny as they once were. Then right after that menopause hits, the body starts to wear out, and the next thing you know, some “speci...
Much like with their affinity for tattoos, these youngish women will one day become old women who regret placing their own personal comforts over motherhood....
[quote]I feel the same way about all these Jewish professors who have literally destroyed our higher education by pushing this blm, white supremacy communist bullshite get their comeuppance.[/quote] Unfortunately, progressives don’t understand consequences. It is almost like they have a mental bl...
The only significant thing that comes to mind is when they removed their Speaker and replaced him with a guy who is virtually identical....