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Location:Below I-10
Interests:Hawg wrasslin' and all sorts of stuff
Occupation:Professional Wanderer
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Registered on:7/6/2019
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[quote] He answered with a gun in hand.[/quote] You don't?...
This is why I removed myself from the Republican party years ago. A strongly worded letter is nothing more than an eyeroll in Washington....
[quote]How on earth did they spin this into a race issue[/quote] Everything is about race or climate change. Should this plant be forced to shut down, one could assume that the chemical corridor could be a house of cards and Denka might be at the bottom of the stack. [img]https://external-con...
I'd like to see more affordable 4 door pickups with nothing more than an AM/FM radio, A/C and manual transmission. Electric windows and auto transmission optional....

re: Memorial Day in Baton Rouge

Posted by F1y0n7h3W4LL on 5/27/24 at 9:24 am
Staying home and burning a hot dog on the grill always works....
[quote]But but it’s the evil insurance companies…. [/quote] But, but, what about the billboard lawyers...?...
Why? Are we about to have another mid-east "energy" crisis?...
That wouldn't wash in the previous administration and likely won't in the next. :usa:...
Burger King is already the slowest one out there anyway. Just go with the flow....
[quote]Birth control glasses That's what we always called them[/quote] RPGs....Rape Prevention Glasses...
Comments on X are 180° different than TD-OT....
Jeff Foxworthy once said, "As long as there's a ditch on the side of the road in Louisiana, nobody's going hungry."...
Mathematics In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, Howard explained that he had formulated his own language of logic, which he called Terryology, and which he was keeping secret until he had patented it. This logic language, he claimed, would be used to prove the statement "1 × 1 = 2". [i...
There's probably a neighborhood somewhere in Jackson, MS that's keeping an eye on it....