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Crazy people happen. Academia seems to attract them....

re: Diving deeper on Standard Lithium?

Posted by Auburn1968 on 5/15/24 at 10:19 am
Looking at lithium prices over the last five years is like a crazy rollercoaster. Up 600% and not back to earth. [link=(https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/lithium)]https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/lithium[/link]...
Disney went from being wholesome family fair, to woke groomers over the last few decades. ...
[quote] quote: Heres some more money laundering from earlier this year LINK and that's Ukraine pointing that one out, isn't it? Not hiding it... that would point that they're trying to solve those problems. Corruption is a problem in much of Eastern Europe, as a legacy of its Soviet/Eas...
[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thetrial.net%2FShow%2520Trials_files%2Fimage2981.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a256a1243871e3291a5d7cb88eddd7e2dffea3b3802d9e58abd474afcfee4072&ipo=images[/img] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmaterialisme-d...
[quote]quote: Lawfare coming to corporations that don’t bend the knee. Coming to? They've been using regs and activist investor groups like Black Rock and others to drive political agendas for a decade. DEI didnt magically appear in the Fortune 500. It was driven home through carrot and st...
And everyone not lost in a sea of empty words knows that this case is nothing but corrupt lawfare to deny Trump is constitutional and civil rights under the color of law. Now that's a felony. [quote]CIVIL RIGHTS CONSPIRACY 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights Section 241 makes it...
[quote]Now you know why law enforcement is not pursuing the Jeffrey Epstein client list for crimes against children. That is a can of worms that a lot of very powerful people want to keep the lid screwed on tight...[/quote] And President Ankle-pants Clinton was a frequent flier on the Lolita Expr...
This DOJ considers anything that threatens dem fraud has to be repressed....

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Auburn1968 on 5/14/24 at 11:46 am
The caps should have hammer and sickles instead of swastikas' [img]https://media.townhall.com/cdn/hodl/cartoons/gv051324dAPC-800x0.jpg[/img]...
CNN screen lickers unite with the bots to have a Marxist group therapy session!...
[quote]It's kind of both of their faults, considering both signed off on trillions of government spending during COVID that had no economic productivity associated with it, resulting in the inflation we've been dealing with over the last three years. Why either of these guys is a choice for Presi...
I'm under water, but still got the dividend which is still at 10.7%. Crossing fingers. ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Auburn1968 on 5/13/24 at 11:35 pm
Funny thing about that. Went an armored car tour in Korea where bears, lions and tigers were enclosed. The animals knew that the car would provide food with tongs through the metal mesh and came running. At the end, the driver opened a trap door on his window and a huge bear was standing there ge...

re: Fail Gifs. Let's post them.

Posted by Auburn1968 on 5/13/24 at 8:51 pm

re: Fail Gifs. Let's post them.

Posted by Auburn1968 on 5/13/24 at 8:47 pm
Had one a few years ago. Doc fixed the hernia and put a plastic grid inside to keep it in. ...

re: Popeyes Taking Notes From Canes

Posted by Auburn1968 on 5/13/24 at 8:23 pm
[quote]Bring back the $5 big box with 2 sides and 2 biscuits.[/quote] Today, they would have to steal the chickens to be able to do that....
[quote]I'm sure it was crooked as hell, but why was none of this ever proved in court?[/quote] Latches, no-standing and anything the dem and coward judges could do to not consider the evidence. Trump won about half of the cases that were considered on the facts and merits. The MSM would have ...