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Location:USAF Retired
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Registered on:2/2/2019
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[quote]Yeah, it can be. But July is absolutely worse.[/quote] If that's the case why is there all kind of outdoor activity in July, August and and Sep (football, MLB, concerts, etc) and very little outside activity in Feb? You can mitigate heat with shade, water, game times, etc, but col...
Even in the deep south baseball games in February can be miserable. The game is never going to grow unless the Big 10 gets interested and the season starts too early for that climate. Conference games should start the week after the final four and the CWS needs to finish up in late July. This wou...
[quote]Do you even cardio?[/quote] No, I'm not a soy boy....
Coral Bay in Western Australia may be the most beautiful place on earth. ...
Man there's some weak arse soy boys in this tread. If you're 6 ft and less than 200lb, do you even lift? ...
I'm for a trade off, either you have to work an hour more per day when TWing or you get paid more if you go into the office. ...

re: What moth is this? Polyphemus Moth

Posted by greenbean on 5/27/24 at 9:33 pm
there are so many Jody Cadences (Jodies), I'm assuming they are all recorded somewhere. Being AF, I did not do a bunch a marching or running, but the prior service urmy guys always kept us informed. ...
First it's called a bath rag. ...
I've played Jody a few times. In my younger days, I didn't believe in bros b/4 hoes, plus Asian women aren't going to be faithful, God did that, not me. ...
I have some morning glory in a spot in my yard that is mixed Bermuda/St Augustine. From what I've read, Trimec is what U need? Any other advice or thoughts? ...
[quote]Entirely too many of you mf put animals on a pedestal. I’m not saying treat the animal like crap or anything like that but can we stop acting like they’re humans?[/quote] Are you my brother? I've put down few dogs that were close to the end. I did it myself. Be a man. ...
IIRC, the one in Jxn, MS has been closed for nearly a year. I was stationed at Barksdale when the one in Bossier opened, 1991ish? Call me low rent, but I like the Lobster and Taco Bell. ...
[quote]75% of the country is sick of this shite. 15% are zombies on their iPhones and Netflix. 10% are mentally ill pushing the current agenda. The election this fall should not even be within 10% overall except for millions of fraudulent ballots and millions of illegal aliens voting.[/quote] Br...
[quote]That’s right in front of my condo. I saw it when I drinking my first cup of coffee this morning and thought it was a great start to this Memorial Day.[/quote] Subtle, "I can afford a condo on Orange Beach" brag. ...
and the BR porn girl too. [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYWR4MnZjcXQ2cXBmdWQzMXlkcnY4Y3U5ejNramUwd2liaDBsZm16cCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/ibA3LsZOA0AwCFSoFC/giphy.gif[/img]...
[quote]She swore she was 100% hypnotized[/quote] That's what she said when you caught her getting plowed back stage by Jody? ...