Favorite team:Kentucky 
Number of Posts:9246
Registered on:1/14/2018
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]So half of Omaha is decorated with SEC teams[/quote]...
I would complain because I see no linky but in this case I may upvote that fact. ...
This is a bigger reach than a Bama beauty queen makes to wipe her own arse. And Keelon Russell needs to listen to this every single morning. ...
[quote]Elephant because it's the only land animal larger than their women.[/quote] Ehhh… [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPbdLrLa0AAWjBz?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]...
I love how this thread didn’t even get out of the starting gate. Actual title: [quote]Over/Under on body cam footage including a “do you know who I am?”[/quote] Correct title: [quote]Over/Under on body cam footage[/quote] Always bet the under. ...
[quote]Political correctness has prevented anyone from being brave enough to discuss the elephant in the room.[/quote] What you done there… I seent it. ...
Half my roots are in Galveston. I very much like visiting Galveston. And thus ends my familiarity with Texas. (Correction: I was in San Antonio in ‘98 for a 36 hour blur to see the Cats win a championship)...
There are a surprising amount of calories in virtue signaling. ...

re: Dan Hurley to the Lakers?

Posted by OleManDixon on 6/6/24 at 5:56 pm
[quote]Kentucky fans told us the Kentucky head coaching job is better than the NBA.[/quote] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/6-14-2022/MeYYy_.gif[/img]...

re: Off-season composite rankings

Posted by OleManDixon on 6/6/24 at 5:46 pm
I shudder to think how many games we’ll lose to Louisville if we ever become the better team. ...
Top 50 most contextless posts in all of trolldom…...
[quote]1. We don't have calipri anymore so I'm looking forward to basketball for the first time in many moons.[/quote] My brother was for the first time seriously mulling dropping his season tickets after 20 years or so. That idea has been nixed. Now he’s dreading the wait for the season. ...
[quote]Hasn’t Kentucky won 3 straight against Florida?[/quote] As a rule, Kentucky football fans try not to tempt fate. ...
[img]https://thecomeback.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/tony-vitello.png[/img] That’s have a sit down with human resources level of awkward. ...

re: Kentucky Baseball…

Posted by OleManDixon on 4/14/24 at 6:05 am
[quote]You don’t even have to take all them at this point. You have proved to everyone already that you’re not a team to take lightly. I think if you go 3-2 in the last 5 series, you’re hosting a regional. Going 3-2, and even 2-3 would be enough of a statement about how good you are.[/quote] I li...
1. The coaching search reaffirmed that Kentucky basketball fans are the most irrational in college sports. No coach will ever live up to their expectations. [i]Fans are the same at literally every major program. [/i] 2. It confirmed that Kentucky is not the top job in college basketball, no...
[quote]What is wokeness?[/quote] I’m going to go out on a limb and say you know exactly what it is since you’re the first person in the thread to use the term. ...
[quote]A statement like that understandably made some people online upset.[/quote] Oh no!...