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Location:Greenbrier, AR
Number of Posts:54217
Registered on:11/25/2006
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[quote]a substance found in hemp which can provide a “high” when consumed.[/quote] I much prefer to be around people who are high on hemp than people who are drunk on alcohol. All the difference in the world....
[quote] RELEASE THE HOUNDS![/quote] Well there were two bitches already present....
[quote]The reason that's scary is that if the 3rd party candidates drop out, they are dead even.[/quote] You're assuming that all third party votes would go to Biden. I don't share that same assumption....
[quote]Things I dont trust:[/quote] Here's a big one you overlooked: World Health Organization....
[quote] 1972 Nixon[/quote] Same here....
Only goes to show you a person can be pretty and crazy at the same time [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/dc49e7_f70a771156794f739126d8c2e8520c79~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_0,y_66,w_853,h_922/fill/w_560,h_606,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Blink%20Shoot%20(1).jpg[/img] What a waste as a sp...
[quote]Is she considered a government employee?[/quote] She receives government monies so why shouldn't she have to face questions from the government?...
[quote]About 270 million people were vaccinated in America. Those people formally claiming side-effects. total about13,000. [/quote] So how many people get the flu each year but never go to a doctor to be treated? Probably millions would be my guess. The 13,000 number is no doubt a very low ball...
[quote]the opposing team won regardless because of the forfeit so why do that to a handful of first graders? [/quote] First graders aren't all into the "wining at all costs" attitude that mommy and daddy are. Kids just enjoy playing the game. So that's why you play the game, as first graders....
[quote]Forecaster who hasn't missed a presidential prediction in 40 YEARS reveals prediction[/quote] Well that's a lie. He missed it in 2000 when he predicted Gore would win. Also, he usually makes his final prediction in August so I'm not too sure how much of a political savant he is. [quote]He...
I wonder how many acres the poor fella will have to sell to pay his attorneys?...
If you truly love a woman you want to marry but she has a bratty kid do you still marry her?...
[quote]among American [b]adults[/b][/quote] CNN, define adults for clarification....
[quote]You don't shoot a dog that kills chickens.[/quote] I know many a rancher that killed dogs in a heartbeat that were killing calves out in their pastures. If you know anything about farm life I'd bet you'd know some ranchers who did the same....
[quote]Cody has a true passion for this university and state while also being a very talented professional. [/quote] Appears his passion was overruled by his love for money, I assume....
Wooster, Arkansas. No police force there....
Contractors don't like building smaller homes because they make less money than building larger homes and right now there aren't any contractors out of work that I know of just looking for anything to build to make a paycheck. This happened to my brother in Ga....
[quote].Arkansas is poised to become a force in the SEC in the big 3 sports...[/quote] Being a force doesn't guarantee victory in the end....
The best way to catch fish is with bait. Blind links are just a shiny hook....