Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:18076
Registered on:4/6/2015
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[quote]Trump to Notorious Ryker's Island Tomorrow per CBS News[/quote] [quote] CBS predicts Trump will be imprisoned on Rykers Island. [/quote][quote]A recent search in a Rikers Island jail [/quote] [quote]Their were 400 stabbing and slashing in Rykers [/quote] [quote]Some guards have been implic...
[quote]SunExpress Is the European version of Spirit, except somehow trashier. [/quote] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/VFYJXIuuFl6pO/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952i3nnj65mwo6a8e34indbl3sft7y9mqwditaxdnh9&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Man there's some weak arse soy boys in this tread. If you're 6 ft and less than 200lb, do you even lift? [/quote] Do you even cardio?...
I'd imagine it falls under curtilage, but i won't say Louisiana law lines up perfectly with my state's take....
Had you done ginnie springs this year, you could've had a couple attempted murder mugshots to throw in :casty:...
[quote]The police department however found traces of semen on his belt.[/quote] That could've cum from anywhere. ...
[quote]It may be a dick move but it is the right move. Here in Florida there is a very clear law that you cannot change the flow of water based on something that you build that would change the flow of water from your neighbors property.[/quote] Take a 30 minute ride south to palm coast. They have ...
[quote]The point of Memorial Day is to honor those who died serving the United States. [/quote] And this precludes those who served after the civil war how?...
[quote]That alleviates termite concerns and is a much better insulator. [/quote] Except for the furring strips holding on all your drywall, internal walls, and roof trusses + sheathing. ...
[quote]The point of Memorial Day is to honor those who died serving the United States. Confederates served the Confederate States, not the United States. A pardon means they are forgiven, not that they served the US.[/quote] While I don't disagree, there were plenty of men who served in both at so...

re: How to get rid of coyotes?

Posted by MoarKilometers on 5/27/24 at 9:56 pm
[quote]If you have sheep get a Great Pyrenees or a mule.[/quote] My neighbor has about a half dozen mareema sheep dog. Looks kinda like a sheep or a long, white haired retriever. Italian in origin. We still occasionally do some 'yote hunts when they start fricking with the herd or taking smaller ani...
[quote]Probably alone on this but I’ve always thought that there needs to be a rule where if you hit the flagstick like that and the ball rolls off the green, you get some kind of relief closer to the hole. You’re basically getting penalized for hitting a really good shot. [/quote] If it didn't hit...
I'm sure someone who went to camp at Alabama while saban was active will win a natty. ...
[quote]More to life than sports fortunately. [/quote] Like making threads about insurance companies and legislators sucking their own dick, while the average florida poster is telling you these savings aren't actually being realized?...
[quote]Lol I was holding off considering his history of depression and substance abuse.[/quote] But not because he was openly anti vaccine :lol:...

re: Bama’s new mascot

Posted by MoarKilometers on 5/25/24 at 8:13 pm
[quote]Honest question. Why does Alabama football want him to be around the program so much? It sure doesn’t help with stereotypes. [/quote] It's not like we made him head coach, unlike another school currently throwing stones in their glass house....
1-1, and he's up 3-1 in the 3rd. [link=(https://ioncourt.com/tournaments/664a37133610b8e652548bd2/live-score)]LINK[/link] to live scoring....
[quote]So what’s the correct answer?[/quote] You're gonna love this... "this is the best"...
[quote]Sure you wanna tolerate that craziness [/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/XMBJ0l20sNWEM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952nt2lnd8twr0gp9pnlbyjbekv6i7velq7vhi6du5k&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] Didn't meet this person swiping, but she's 28. I turned 44 fairly recently :lo...