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Location:Harding Bisons Fan
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Registered on:9/29/2013
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[quote]DJT slept with a hooker (aka porn "actress"), but was convicted for lying about it[/quote] No he wasn't :lol: *And the leftist talking points have arrived*...
[quote]Why are so many Arky fans weak men?[/quote] It says there right in his handle that he's been exiled. And for good reason apparently He was "voted off the island" so to say ...
[quote]He said the other day that President Biden's FBI was "locked and loaded" (his words) and ready to kill him when they searched Mar-a-Lago (despite the fact that they searched the place on a day when Trump was a thousand miles away). And, on cue, the cul ... the supporters lost their mind. How ...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by RazorBroncs on 5/31/24 at 6:21 pm
[quote]. I don’t need the food but ya I’ll take it when I’m paying for it.[/quote] Because you're totally the only one paying for it. Not me, my wife, or anyone else that pays taxes on the income they earned and spend :lol: Maybe you shouldn't have tried to claim you're "well off" and live i...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by RazorBroncs on 5/31/24 at 6:16 pm
[quote]MoT is now MoM[/quote] To be fair, it's been pretty obvious for a long time now that he's not an actual conservative. Just a fanboy ...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by RazorBroncs on 5/31/24 at 6:09 pm
[quote]You’re mad that I’ve stuck with Trump since the beginning. You live some grand life [/quote] The frick are you even talking about now? Is this some sort of purity test bullshite you guys get made fun of for all the time? Go ahead and read every post all the way back to 2015, you might l...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by RazorBroncs on 5/31/24 at 6:04 pm
[quote]And you want Trump jailed. You’re a principled man[/quote] Still waiting ...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by RazorBroncs on 5/31/24 at 6:02 pm
[quote]And you want Trump jailed. You’re a principled man[/quote] You have me mistaken, white trash. Go ahead and link that ...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by RazorBroncs on 5/31/24 at 5:59 pm
[quote]Okay little hater. Sorry you’re mad you don’t get square pizza [/quote] These food programs are for *actual* needy people, and I fully support feeding innocent kids that can't help that their parents are losers. I'd rather my tax dollars go towards helping innocent kids that can't help th...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by RazorBroncs on 5/31/24 at 5:50 pm
[quote]Oh noz they take it away and I still live comfortably[/quote] Obviously not by your very proud posts in this thread. But then again, we all knew you weren't an actual principled conservative to begin with. You're a fanboy to the highest order, a listless vessel to the very definition...
[quote]Republicans have given us book bans,[/quote] Go ahead and post these books and the text and images within them. Honestly, if you're FOR that sexual imagery - gay or straight - in elementary and middle schools - you might be a pedo. Why do children need to learn about sexuality in school?...
[quote]SDVTiger[/quote] This douche is better at turning people away from voting for and supporting Trump than any Dem could ever dream of being :lol: He and MoT think they're some sort of online warriors for MAGAdom but really just make everyone cringe and question if they REALLY want to be ...
[quote]always want to be on the side of freedom and democracy, not on the side of slavery and autocracy.[/quote] You realize Trump already served a term as president right? Why don't you give us some examples of this slavery and autocracy that occured while he held the highest seat in the land...
[quote]For the good of the country, these voters will not vote for a convicted felon. Full stop. I am in this camp. Several of my friends are in this camp. Regardless of what you think or want to believe, we are out here.[/quote] Honest question - I'm not going to call you names or anything li...
[quote]This was a witch hunt and is going to backfire one way or another..[/quote] I really wish I shared this same optimism, but I think this will turn off some of the more ill-educated idiots that were finally starting to lean Trump's way. You have to realize, there is a HUGE chunk of American...
[quote]He paid a hooker,[/quote] False already :lol: [quote]tried to cover it up[/quote] He did a terrible job if that's the case. We knew about Stormy before the election, remember? [quote]and it could have changed how people voted[/quote] See above. [quote]That makes a crime.[/...
[quote]I assume every social media and electronic communication platform we use has government moles, observers, monitors, AI programs to identify key words, algorithms, tracking our communications, financial transactions, your whole life. I’m not a tech guy but I’m sure it goes even deeper and more...
[quote]It has been past time for the US to have a connected robust railroad system.[/quote] AND while we're at it, we should send a man to the moon on a rocket ...
I feel like I should point out that this thread is 6 years old At least one of these 4 dudes is dead by now, statistically speaking ...
[quote]BozemanTiger[/quote] You trying to pump up that post count or something? Posting random unrelated gifs in every thread is getting obvious ...