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re: When is the world going to tire of radical islam and declare war on them?

Posted on 11/13/15 at 10:11 pm to
Posted by Duke
Twin Lakes, CO
Member since Jan 2008
35613 posts
Posted on 11/13/15 at 10:11 pm to
A) ISIS has got to get got.

B) We offer one time deal and break Iraq into a Kurdistan, Shiastan, Sunnistan. Gives the Saudis and Iran a nice buffer to fight proxy wars and get back to good old fashioned Arab Nationalism.

C) Syria will split into a Kurdistan, Assad controlled Syria West and Sunnistan in the east.

D) GTFO. Persians vs Arabs seems like a much better war to spend their time on than Christians vs Muslims.
Posted by bayou2003
Mah-zur-ree (417)
Member since Oct 2003
17646 posts
Posted on 11/13/15 at 10:11 pm to

Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey all have a vested interest in stopping ISIS, as do the Iranians and Yemeni Houthi's and South Yemeni communists. Unfortunately, they have no reason to seriously engage ISIS

Let those muslims fight each other. Remember the Iran vs Iraq war...that was a good one..Chemicals being used, lots of death, etc. Saddam using Iranian soldiers helmets/skulls as a monument. When they war, they war.
Posted by Duke
Twin Lakes, CO
Member since Jan 2008
35613 posts
Posted on 11/13/15 at 10:18 pm to

Stop supporting the Saudi's, Emirati's and the Turkish AKP. The Saudi's and Emirati's fund the madrasahs where ISIS soldiers are taught and the ruling AKP in Turkey is bombing the Kurdish separatists. Next, tell the Israeli's and their fifth column here in the U.S. to go to hell and allow the Iranians, Syrian Alawites and Yemeni Houthi's to defeat the Salafist Sunni's who form the core of ISIS.

Pretty much this.
Posted by SCLibertarian
Conway, South Carolina
Member since Aug 2013
36023 posts
Posted on 11/13/15 at 10:24 pm to
I don't support anyone killing anyone. I just understand the CIA's concept of blowback as it relates to American foreign policy. Meddling in the internal affairs of countries in that region over the last 70 years has done us far more harm than good.
Posted by Razorback Reverend
Member since Dec 2013
22773 posts
Posted on 11/13/15 at 11:09 pm to
how about having some fun with it.....

Lets ask the Mizzou oppressed to volunteer to battle the extremist muslim/isis in Syria...

Posted by zatetic
Member since Nov 2015
5677 posts
Posted on 11/13/15 at 11:48 pm to
This is nothing new. Islam has been trying to conquer Europe whenever they have a chance. Islam is in perpetual war until they conquer the world. Crusades were just a temporary rebuff. The muslims nearly conquered Europe in the late 600s. Charles the Hammer may very well be the most instrumental man in there being white Europeans to this day. Abraham religions (along with all current forms of liberalism extending to communism) are problematic currently. Historically, Islam has always been violent. Judaism has rarely been good, at least according to the Bible, and currently is practically Satanic with their blood libel. Christianity is full on pansy mode holding no one accountable to anything, and infiltrated by degenerates.

Diversity doesn't work, it was thought of as good by people in homogeneous societies. There are rare times when diversity is a plus, it is too easy for power brokers to stir the pot and make people feel like other groups owe them/etc. Muslims try to kill societies that don't agree with them. Blacks also have been a negative for whites, as historically blacks kill them off when they can. This is documented multiple times, like Haiti, Zimbabwe, and currently South Africa where a majority of blacks are pushing whites out via violence. The university demands of South Africa are pretty funny, albeit more extreme, when they are going on right here too. Marxists (Jews) are the main driver of black's feeling displaced, along with most of culture rot. Until people can realize that the different races have different attributes there isn't much you can do. Somehow some people think humans are all the same but can see that a great dane has different attributes and abilities from a chihuahua. At no point in this post am I saying anything degrading about any race either. I can't stress this enough, if you want peaceful society you need homogeneity. Violence on the whites in Europe has skyrocketed with adding Africans and Muslims.

Muhammad Ali on integration
Muhammad Ali explains multiculturalism

Europe is in full suicide mode
"The French frogs abandoned the basic universal human right to self defense.
They banned any citizen from owning and carrying a handgun to defend their fathers ancestral land and home, their family, their children, their property and themselves.
This is the end result of liberalism at it's most perfect.
Unarmed noguns slaves and subjects rounded up and shot like fish in a barrel.
One man who escaped the shootings said they were going on for at least 15 minutes before he managed to escape. After fifteen minutes he said the police had still not responded.
Most of the people inside the concert simply layed face down on the concert floor and the terrorists just shot them on the ground, reloaded, shot them some more, reloaded shot some more.
France is not dying, it is already dead. It has a self inflicted fatal wound called disarmed slaves and subjects, not free armed citizens.
The Muslim immigrants will simply lower Frances coffin into the earth.
You EuroCuck chuckle fricks will never understand liberty.
It is not a present that can be put into a shiny box and wrapped up in a pretty bow and given away as a gift.
Liberty has to be taken with force. And it has to be kept with force.
This shooting in France is simply nothing short of unarmed noguns peasants getting their just desserts.
They didn't learn from the Charlie Homo shooting.
They didn't learn from the American attacker take down train incident.
And they certainly will not learn from this."

Posted by Blizzard of Chizz
Member since Apr 2012
19045 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 1:17 am to
I think you ultimately have to combat them on their level. It's a religious holy war to them, that's where you have to fight them. If you don't fight them on that level, then you can kill them by the millions but you will never win.... You have to deny them heaven. You accomplish this with a zero tolerance policy. Anyone caught supporting these groups in any fashion will be publicly executed and buried with a pig. Basically by their own religious beliefs you are damning them to hell.
Posted by Mullet Flap
Member since Jun 2015
4208 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 1:21 am to
Muslims =/= Muslim terrorists

I know most of you don't see a difference, but I thought i'd add that just to get 20 dozen down votes
Posted by five_fivesix
Member since Aug 2012
13834 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 1:23 am to

I think you ultimately have to combat them on their level. It's a religious holy war to them, that's where you have to fight them. If you don't fight them on that level, then you can kill them by the millions but you will never win.... You have to deny them heaven. You accomplish this with a zero tolerance policy. Anyone caught supporting these groups in any fashion will be publicly executed and buried with a pig. Basically by their own religious beliefs you are damning them to hell.

Correct. Black Jack Pershing had it right. Kick their mind, while kicking their arse.
Posted by Tantal
Member since Sep 2012
13965 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 1:46 am to

Or nuke it. Nuke our bed. frick them.

Missouri thread, brah.
Posted by scrooster
Resident Ethicist
Member since Jul 2012
37618 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 2:34 am to

I don't support anyone killing anyone. I just understand the CIA's concept of blowback as it relates to American foreign policy. Meddling in the internal affairs of countries in that region over the last 70 years has done us far more harm than good.

Whew ... thank gosh that place was so peaceful, tolerant and loving of one another the 2930 years prior to us becoming involved.

Me thinks it is you who really needs the history lesson.

ETA: LINK 1 synopsis LINK 2 Video LINK 3 PDF
This post was edited on 11/14/15 at 2:43 am
Posted by kiNupe5
Member since Jun 2014
924 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 2:35 am to

how about having some fun with it.....

Lets ask the Mizzou oppressed to volunteer to battle the extremist muslim/isis in Syria...

Klan thread
Posted by ABearsFanNMS
Formerly of tLandmass now in Texas
Member since Oct 2014
17461 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 3:20 am to


Nope all those points would be the worse things we could do. It is a two front strategy. First you have to educate & help bring up the general population of Muslim States. Use NGO or whatever you can to destroy the myth created by the radical clerics. Right now the average uneducated Muslim only knows what the clerics have told them about the Western World. We need to reshape their thought process and show them we aren't the evil empire they have been lead to believe. A long process but would eventually pay dividends.

Secondly you isolate the pockets like Syria/ISIS and wage a combined arms campaign to dramatically reduce their footprint (whatever idiot thought we can defeat an army with air power along has not studied military history). So you wage a protracted war with multi cultural coalition to stop their expansion and eventual defeat their overt army. Simultaneously you need to build a covert intelligence service similar to the Mossad and take the gloves off. Once you have reduced their footprint they will go underground. This Mossad like service would infiltrate their society and clandestinely hunt down and exterminate cell after cell. We have to stop worrying about antiquated "rules" and let the end justify the means. And before anyone comes on here and says "Europe bad mouths the USA" I bet they are rethinking all the crap they gave us about Gitmo and reparations after yesterday.
This post was edited on 11/14/15 at 3:26 am
Posted by scrooster
Resident Ethicist
Member since Jul 2012
37618 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 3:39 am to

Nope all those points would be the worse things we could do. It is a two front strategy. First you have to educate & help bring up the general population of Muslim States. Use NGO or whatever you can to destroy the myth created by the radical clerics. Right now the average uneducated Muslim only knows what the clerics have told them about the Western World. We need to reshape their thought process and show them we aren't the evil empire they have been lead to believe. A long process but would eventually pay dividends.

Doesn't work. You cannot win the hearts and mind of savages who operate under such a socio-political religious ideology.

We've even brought them here to the U.S., and they have brought their savage mindset with them ... you cannot contain a population who believes in radical vehement sharia law.


Secondly you isolate the pockets like Syria/ISIS and wage a combined arms campaign to dramatically reduce their footprint (whatever idiot thought we can defeat an army with air power along has not studied military history). So you wage a protracted war with multi cultural coalition to stop their expansion and eventual defeat their overt army. Simultaneously you need to build a covert intelligence service similar to the Mossad and take the gloves off. Once you have reduced their footprint they will go underground. This Mossad like service would infiltrate their society and clandestinely hunt down and exterminate cell after cell. We have to stop worrying about antiquated "rules" and let the end justify the means. And before anyone comes on here and says "Europe bad mouths the USA" I bet they are rethinking all the crap they gave us about Gitmo and reparations after yesterday.

We've done that ... and it does work. But we failed to put the boot to their throats and keep it there because no sooner than we win - we back off and the liberal progressive socialists come into power with open arms and let the bad guys gain strength again.

I once had a Muslim, a very educated American Muslim, explain to me the bottom line mindset of the majority of Muslims in this world.

"They know they will eventually win the entire world because they know that your actions divide you while your actions unit them ... no matter what you do, no matter what your actions you will remain divided while they will remain united."

He was referring to me about the Western World.
Posted by RTRinTampa
Central FL
Member since Jan 2013
5532 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 5:12 am to
Only 10% of Muslims truly want to cut "your" head off. The problem is the other 90% are OK with it if it furthers Islam.

Anyone here that think the Shia are any less violent than the Sunni doesn't understand the problem.

Islam, both Sunni and Shia, predicts a war between the tribes (Sunni vs Shia). Many believe this is what is occurring in Syria. The eventual winner (dependent on which tribal version) units the tribes and together Islam liberates Jerusalem and establishes the true caliphate.

Islam is fighting the long war. We in the west are short sighted because of politics (4 year chunks, basically). All of the so-called moderate Muslims will vote for Sharia over democracy when they have the numbers to do so. The west is digging its own grave by accepting the "moderate" refugees.
This post was edited on 11/14/15 at 7:51 am
Posted by antibarner
Member since Oct 2009
23711 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 7:50 am to
It is time to chop the head off this thing. We don't have to send in troops in large numbers. I have said over and over that it takes money supplies and backing to do what these goatfrickers do.

The people behind providing all of that are not fanatics with a death wish. They are greedy fanatics that live soft and let the useful idiots die and do the dirty work.

Start taking them out. I don't care if they are king of Wazooistan or wherever. When they start dying the message will be loud and clear that the party is over. You kill ours we kill YOU. Rein in your mad dogs or you get a Tomahawk through your window one night soon. You can't hide from us.

The"clerics" preaching jihad? Sniper shot. They replace him with another moron? Same thing. Homegrown idiots preaching revolt? Gee have you seen Abdul around lately?

They have been hitting our soft targets with impunity maybe losing a few lunatics that were nothing but cannon fodder. Time to hit back and let them find out how it feels.
Posted by rantfan
new iberia la
Member since Nov 2012
14110 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 8:17 am to
It needs to start right now and should be started by us, the citizens of the globe need to unify.
Posted by zatetic
Member since Nov 2015
5677 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 9:10 am to

It is time to chop the head off this thing. We don't have to send in troops in large numbers. I have said over and over that it takes money supplies and backing to do what these goatfrickers do.

You do realize that we have historically armed most of the terrorist we fight? If you have no one to fight how is the Military Industrial Complex going to keep going.

And if you are mad at some certain group, here in the United States blacks are a far bigger problem than Islam. Blacks kill a white person everyday here. Since government stopped publicly showing black on white crime statistics and even calling hispanics white for record keeping to exaggerate white crime statistics these people had to put this list together themselves. It's only getting worse.

This list is far from all black on white murders. This is just a sample. This list does not include the thousands of white victims who were seriously injured in black on white violence, only fatalities. I just excerpted one month, they have the full year at the link.

12/30/14 – Steven Horkovy, 29, was stabbed to death by his black roommate in Pheonix, AZ.

12/28/14 – Angel Schroeder, 36, was beaten and choked to death by her black boyfriend in Souix Falls, SD.

12/28/14 – Nicholas R. Preuitt, 28, was shot and killed by a black male in a parking garage in Kansas City, MO.

12/28/14 – Miranda Schunk, 38, was stabbed to death by a black male in St. Paul, MN. The suspect is her black ex-boyfriend.

12/26/14 – Amabel Calderon, 3, was beaten to death. Her mother’s black boyfriend has been charged with murder.

12/24/14 – Amber Caudill, 19, was shot and killed by two black males that shot up her apartment complex in Winchester, KY. Two other people were seriously injured with gunshot wounds.

12/24/14 – Belinda Belle, 26, was shot and killed in Blackshear, GA. The perp is the victim’s black ex-boyfriend.

12/24/14 – Nicholas Mathew, 33, was stabbed to death by a black male in Evansville, IN. The suspect is also accusing of stabbing a gas station clerk and a taxi cab driver.

12/20/14 – A mother and her two children were killed in Garland, ME. The suspect is the mother’s black boyfriend.

Christina Ann Sargent, 36

Destiny Sargent, 8

Duwayne Coke, 10

12/21/14 – Paige Stalker, 16, was killed execution style by a black gunman in Detroit, MI.

12/21/14 – Julie Williams was killed in Thomson, GA. Her black husband was charged.

12/20/14 – Richard Anders, 63, was shot and killed by a black male in front of a store he owned in Camden, AR.

12/19/14 – The bodies of two white females were found strangled to death in Atlanta, GA. A black male has been charged. One of the victims went missing in August, the second had been missing for a week.

Nicole Sartell, 31

Heather Renea Camp, 33

12/19/14 – A mother and daughter were killed by a black male who invaded their home in Westfield, IN.

Marylyn Erb, 52

Kelley Erb, 23

12/19/14 – Misty Renea Lopez, 23, was killed execution style by a black male at a hotel in Oxford, AL. Lopez was with a black male at the time who was also murdered.

12/18/14 – Cleate Davis, 50, was shot and killed by a black male and his body set on fire inside his car in Millington, TN. The suspect’s white girlfriend was also arrested as an accomplice.

12/15/14 – Nicole Mathewson, 32, was beaten to death inside her Lancaster, PA home. A 16 year old black male has been charged.

12/15/14 – Eric Kent Peterson, 32, was shot numerous times and killed by a black male while working as a store clerk in Fort Worth, TX.

12/9/14 – Anita Walters, 57, was killed when a black male ran her over with his car while on drugs. Vancouver, WA. The suspect is a career criminal.

12/7/14 – Paul Birdsall, 71, died of injuries sustained while being held captive by a black female, who was using his debit card. Oklahoma City, OK. The suspect has been charged with numerous crime.

12/7/14 – William Kelley, 42, was shot and killed by a black male. Sperry, OK. A suspect has been charged with murder.

12/6/14 – Karen Pearce, 44, was murdered walking to her car in Decatur, GA by a black male. A career criminal has been arrested.

12/6/14 – Brian Whitfield, 45, was murdered in his home by a black male in Auburn, GA.

12/6/14 – A mother and daughter were found beaten to death in their Charlottesville, VA home. A black male, who is a career criminal, has been charged.

Robin Aldridge

Mani Aldridge, 17

12/6/14 – Michael Devin Dempsey-Howell, 19, was shot while sitting in his car with his mother. Bessemer, AL. A black male has been charged with his murder and the attempted murder of his mother.

12/3/14 – Ashley Marie Scott, 17, was shot and killed while sitting in a vehicle in Gary, IN. A black male has been charged with the murder.

12/2/14 – Rip Alan Swartz, 46, was a homeless in Las Vegas, NV that was stabbed to death by a black male perp.

12/2/14 – Diana Lawrence, 63, was shot execution style by three black males in a bar. St. Louis, MO. They also wounded three other white victims. Suspects have been charged.

12/2/14 – Robert Caudill, 26, was shot and killed, by a black male, while delivery pizzas in Lorain, Ohio.

12/2/14 – David Ruenzel, was shot and killed while hiking at a park in Oakland, CA. Police are seeking two black males. Ruenzel is a professional “Anti-Racist” author who wrote article for the SPLC.
This post was edited on 11/14/15 at 9:12 am
Posted by DaveyDownerDawg
Member since Sep 2012
6619 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 9:23 am to

One day it is going to touch us all - they know no boundaries, they want us all dead.

It will take somebody in the West getting nuked, dirty bombed, a chemical attack, or something on the scale of 9-11 to really put the boots on the ground again.
Posted by Blizzard of Chizz
Member since Apr 2012
19045 posts
Posted on 11/14/15 at 9:25 am to
Again though, it doesn't matter how many you kill if you don't combat them within their own religion. Why are so many willing to strap a bomb to themselves and blow themselves up? It is because they believe you are an enemy of God and by sacrificing themselves to kill as many of us as possible they will ascend to heaven. Now within that same religious mindset there are also religious beliefs that dictate the proper burial of Muslims so that they may reach heaven... So in reality, you have to fight them from the point of the grave. These radicals will start having second thoughts about their cause when you start damning their fellow comrades to hell for all of eternity.

Btw, this will never happen because we have gigantic pussies for leaders. Hell we even gave bin laden a proper Muslim burial or so we claimed. In reality we should have turned him into pork sausage and made an example out of him. Dropping a million pictures of him buried with a pig would have accomplished more than dropping millions of tons of bombs on those shite holes.
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