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Hope is a dangerous thing

Posted on 10/13/14 at 8:41 am
Posted by slayerxing
Member since Feb 2010
11045 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 8:41 am
I posted this over on Gatorcountry - thought I'd share it here too since it took me so long to write: It's long. Enjoy, or not.

It took me a while to organize my thoughts for a written reaction to the Florida vs LSU game which I was able to attend and watch in person last weekend. I didn't understand, at first, why I was struggling to formulate a reaction; it's not like this was the first tough Florida lost that I've witnessed in my time as a Gator football fan, especially at the hands of LSU and Les Miles.

But I was finally able to put my finger on it late last night. Hope. The problem is hope.

One big reason why the Will Muschamp era has been so particularly painful for Gator fans is because no matter how bad things get, and just when you tell yourself, "I'm done," the team gives you a reason to hope again.

Against LSU on Saturday night, with a 17-7 lead, and a stadium that was about 10,000 seats below capacity, Florida fans started to hope again. UF had put together 2 scoring drives, they had been electrified by great special teams, and it seemed that UF was maybe, finally, after 3 and a half painful years, turning a corner. And even in a stadium that was obviously on the declining side of greatness, filled with a now cynical fan base, hope was alive and well, and Gator Nation let their voices be heard.

Then the Florida that we have come to know all too well, the Florida Gators that do almost enough to win and just enough to lose, Will Muschamp's Gators, made an appearance. And suddenly the boo birds were out in force and it was 20-17.

I think, had UF simply faded away at that point, the loss wouldn't have been as tough to stomach. But each time UF would look dead in the water, they would do something fantastic, and be right back in it. But for each renewal of hope, there was a crushing, total failure that stole the life out of everything and everyone. The high-highs and low-lows of the fourth quarter were truly remarkable. The final, bitter pill came when it appeared that Florida might actually steal victory from the jaws of defeat, when Muschamp, a coach well known for his consistent and much maligned conservatism, was anything but conservative, and had his team, once again, poised on the precipice of a program defining win. And then quite fittingly, that lack of conservatism, that one lapse in his otherwise consistent late game philosophy, cost him the game.

And although I felt great sorrow for the players, and anger at the coaches once the initial shock faded, I realized that it was still impossible for me to fully pull away from Will Muschamp. Why I asked myself? Because of HOPE.

UF is still inexplicably in the race for the division title, despite the fact that they are two amazing buzzer beaters away from being 1-4 and winless in the SEC instead of 3-2 and still somehow in the running for Atlanta. But because the rest of the SEC east is such a disaster, people can still say the words - UF realistically controls their own destiny. Win out, and they go to Atlanta (unless UK wins out, which I seriously doubt). I laugh even as I type this.

It's this kind of false hope that firmly entrenches the Gators as the most painful team to cheer for in the entire country. The close losses, the almost-maybe shoulda-coulda type games that have defined the program now for 3 years. And then there is the hope in recruiting. UF is a hot name for so many top prospects, and the fans tell themselves, "Help is coming. If Muschamp stays, the recruiting will fix everything." And we believe it. And then national signing day comes along and fans are left, once again, trying to explain away big-time recruiting misses. But that's the thing, it's not that recruiting is a disaster at all, it's actually been quite good. But it's that UF is always seemingly one impact player away from being special again, and can't quite get that one player that makes all the difference. But we all think it may happen soon... Just one more season... We Hope...

I think it's something that Jeremy Foley is ensorcelled by as well. He truly believes that Will Muschamp is so close to turning the corner and being a special coach. But I'm not under that same spell anymore. Not after another game where Gator players were completely incapable of making a single critical, winning play on offense or defense, even when given multiple opportunities by an LSU team that was begging for Florida to win the game. Not when I had to watch yet another gut-wrenching game of always being 1 yard short, 1 man out of position, 1 dropped pass, and 1 bad QB decision away from winning. It's time to move on. Because if we don't, this program is going to be driven into the ground. Not because the team is so bad, because it isn't, or because the coach is so bad, because that's not true either...

But because, "Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane." And those scraps of hope are making UF football sad to watch. Because everyone can see that there's a chance for greatness with this team and this coach. And no matter how bad things have become, that hope persists. But that is all it is. Hope. There is no basis in reality supporting it any longer. And it is slowly strangling the UF fan base and its football program.

It will be interesting to see if this team has now completely surrendered, or if they are able to keep hope alive for a few more weeks. My guess? No. Not without a change or an infusion of energy. And although Treon Harris might be that infusion, my guess is that it will, once again, come up just short. And I will be there to cheer the Gators on, because despite my better judgment and knowing that in all reality UF will have a new coach soon after another disappointing season, I grasp futilely for that last ray of hope. Go Gators.
Posted by UFMatt
In Traitor Joe Biden's US
Member since Oct 2010
11527 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 8:49 am to
Beautifully written and your feeling were eloquently expressed and I agree. Hope is what keeps us going in these hard times. Hope is what I have, hope that Jeremy Foley mans up and admits that it's time for Muschamp to go and gets rid of him quickly so there is hope for the future.
Posted by boXerrumble
Member since Sep 2011
52292 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 9:35 am to

I posted this over on Gatorcountry

Great post, but why do you still post on there?

That place became terrible years ago.
Posted by SpartyGator
Detroit Lions fan
Member since Oct 2011
75669 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 11:13 am to

That place became terrible years ago.

This is the only site I post on, thought about GC, but the format sucks.
Posted by slayerxing
Member since Feb 2010
11045 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 12:28 pm to
Is there a better gator board out there?
Posted by boXerrumble
Member since Sep 2011
52292 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 12:38 pm to

Is there a better gator board out there?

Im a part of a few others, but I like this one by far despite our low numbers.
Posted by cornhat
Member since Feb 2011
3393 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 2:10 pm to
Gatorchatter isn't bad. It's new though.
Posted by olemc999
At a blackjack table
Member since Oct 2010
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Posted on 10/13/14 at 2:24 pm to
I used to post on Gatorsports back from 99-07. From the 2000-2006 time frame that was hands down the best Gator message board out there. The turning point on that board was the 05 Alabama game and to a lesser extent the 06 Auburn game and the doom and gloomers were born. I lurked Gator country during the time I was on Gatorsports and that board was always so negative but halfway thorugh the 08 season it became nothing but sunshine pumpers. Its amazing how both those boards reversed their personalities. Its crazy now. I just looked at Gatorsports and everyone over there is just so damn negative (with good reason) and at Gatorcountry they are not negative enough. I mean last year they were banning people for openly criticizing Muschamp after the GSU loss. Now if Gatorsports and Gatorcountry got together and became one website and they had less rules like here on TD or Shaggy. Then sign me up and pass the popcorn.
Posted by reel_gator8
Member since May 2012
11060 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 3:23 pm to



Hope. The problem is hope
Whats this hope you speak of? Is it a bad thing? I think Im infected and didn't realize the seriousness of it all

BTW GC is plain out and out awful....must be a blood bath over there now. Too many fake articles and mistruths for me. They will do a lot of rumor mongering to sell scripts imo.

Good thoughts on your I guess I can count on you as a Muschamp fan?
Posted by slayerxing
Member since Feb 2010
11045 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 3:28 pm to
That's the thing reel, I can't help it. I am a Muschamp fan. I keep seeing reasons to be optimistic despite the shite show.

I just wish I wasn't.
Posted by LuciusSulla
Oxford, MS
Member since Nov 2010
2703 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 4:18 pm to
You do know that "ensorcelled" is far too large and esoteric for the poster at GC.

Nice verb though!
Posted by gatorbait_007
Clemson, SC
Member since Oct 2013
924 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 6:36 pm to
Nice Shawshank Redemption quote. Great movie. I also felt that way about Muschamp after last season. I still had hope he would turn it around. But now I am done with him. Later Willie.
Posted by StrawsDrawnAtRandom
Member since Sep 2013
21146 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 6:41 pm to

Nice Shawshank Redemption quote. Great movie. I also felt that way about Muschamp after last season. I still had hope he would turn it around. But now I am done with him. Later Willie.

I was done with him last year. Whatever excuse there is -- it doesn't absolve Georgia Southern. If he can't inspire his team to beat a one dimensional FCS he ain't gonna accomplish much else.

I think we've got Stockholm Syndrome at this point. We know he's not going anywhere unless he royally screws the pooch (so does he) and we sort of have to live with him.
Posted by gatorbait_007
Clemson, SC
Member since Oct 2013
924 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 7:33 pm to

I was done with him last year. Whatever excuse there is -- it doesn't absolve Georgia Southern

I agree about that. But what gave me hope was that with all the injuries we had we only lost to UGA by 3. We only lost to USC by 5. We held LSU to 17 and lost by 11. We lost to a Vandy team that beat UGA. And in a small part of my mind I knew that if we didn't have those injuries we cover the UGA 3 the USC 3 and probably the LSU 11 and we definitely don't lose to GA Southern.
Posted by StrawsDrawnAtRandom
Member since Sep 2013
21146 posts
Posted on 10/13/14 at 11:10 pm to

I agree about that. But what gave me hope was that with all the injuries we had we only lost to UGA by 3. We only lost to USC by 5. We held LSU to 17 and lost by 11. We lost to a Vandy team that beat UGA. And in a small part of my mind I knew that if we didn't have those injuries we cover the UGA 3 the USC 3 and probably the LSU 11 and we definitely don't lose to GA Southern.

I think a lot of those teams just played us conservatively, to be honest, thinking that we couldn't produce a last minute drive to win the games. They knew we'd just run out the clock until the end and beat us coaching, flat out.

I wasn't with Muschamp after the loss to Louisville (but that, even in hindsight, was a bit premature) because I felt like he didn't have what it takes to be an HC.

The only way he really wins is if he has better talent, and in the SEC you need to figure out other ways -- intelligence, deception, all forms of strategy.

And Muschamp doesn't seem to possess that. Guys with much less talent seem to have no problem beating us, and I can't think that's anything more than just pisspoor coaching.
Posted by austingator
Member since Jan 2009
7442 posts
Posted on 10/14/14 at 6:35 am to
I understand what you are saying. My response is regardless of anything, you still need hope. I'm with you. I rather have hope that something changes regardless of reality than be miserable blaming others about what is wrong, and waiting for another fk up to happen.

I rather look at the glass half full, rather than half empty because otherwise, I would be a miserable individual. I can see that Muschamp isn't a great coach, and that he has made many horrible mistakes, but if he isn't fired, I rather hope he could actually change and get better.
I don't like Jeff playing, but since we are still going to see more of him, I rather hope that he could become mediocre rather than better for the other team.
I'm not crazy about our 2007 secondary- but I hope they will grow up and continue to improve.
I'm truly hoping that we will win out and get it together, otherwise, why would I watch any more football? Yes it hurts when my hopes and dreams don't pan out, but I redirect them to new expectations to keep my sanity. What would hurt more is to fester in the blame game, and berate constantly like many other "negative nellies" do.

I'm not blind, I can see what is wrong, but I rather keep my hopes alive otherwise I would just concentrate on basketball from now on. I did that last year, and I could do it again. I always want to be happy regardless. I love the Gators, and I will follow them as long as it doesn't make me miserable. There is still hope of saving the season.

Go Gators!
Posted by slayerxing
Member since Feb 2010
11045 posts
Posted on 10/14/14 at 7:34 am to
Just for the record - it's not that I've lost hope and want to look at everything negatively - in fact it's the opposite.

It's the fact that Will Muschamp and his teams keep giving me reasons to have hope, and then crushing it.

I think it's the same for a lot of Gator fans, and that's why football has become not so much fun. Not because UF is losing, but because of how it's happening.

I remember the zook years, and while it was annoying, it wasn't this painful to watch. UF just wasn't that good.
Posted by austingator
Member since Jan 2009
7442 posts
Posted on 10/14/14 at 7:55 am to
I got it, that is why I said, I'm with you.
Posted by slayerxing
Member since Feb 2010
11045 posts
Posted on 10/14/14 at 8:26 am to
Posted by gatordmb89
Member since Dec 2009
30461 posts
Posted on 10/14/14 at 8:27 am to
Yeah it's annoying because the hope comes from the talent. On paper UF is a pretty good team from a talent perspective. Then you look at the 2 important positions, QB and HC. Pretty weak there. I think the HC would be seen Ina much different way if he had a good QB. Jmo. I keep pointing the finger at the D this yr, but the more I look at it, they are on the field waaaaay too often.
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