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Location:Madison, WI
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Registered on:12/18/2012
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re: NCAA Baseball Regionals - May 31-June 3

Posted by HogX on 5/31/24 at 11:30 am
Those dudes are having some great at bats early on....
I've got Miller Lite and a fat bowl waiting for me in half an hour....
[quote]Reading through some of the abilities and they sound amazing[/quote] They have it set up more like an NBA 2K badge system, which I really enjoy....
[quote] Looks fricking awesome to me.[/quote] Yep, this game is going to frick....

re: NCAA Baseball Regionals - May 31-June 3

Posted by HogX on 5/31/24 at 8:16 am
Accuweather has things clearing up by 5, so we may have some late starts. Regardless, I'm done working at noon and have a 12 pack calling my name when I get home. It's gonna be a good day. :cheers:...
[quote]Agreed. In case anyone is curious he next few in line behind McDonald’s at one were 2. Wendy’s 3. Arby’s 4. Pizza Hut 5. Baskin Robins[/quote] I knew Taco Bell wouldn't do me wrong. ...
[quote]Sounds like Cal will be content with a roster of 9. Surely he'll pick up a couple of walkons beyond that though.[/quote] My understanding of the situation was that he'll only carry 9 NIL-level players but will fill out the rest of the scholarships with dudes that aren't quite on that level...
[quote]They never had them before and players progressed just fine. [/quote] Actually, player progression was one of my least favorite aspects of the NCAA series. I was never a fan of bringing in 5 guys at around 70 overall and them all progressing at roughly the same rate. Preferably, I'd hav...
[quote]Hawkins withdrew[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/08f302b3-3ff6-420d-9a6d-7225a7e4ac75_text.gif[/img] ...
[quote]Been saying this for a while now, but while everyone has been focused on Diggs’ struggles (understandably so), Souza has quietly become our worst hitter.[/quote] Yep, it sucks because I thought he was going to be lightening in a bottle earlier in the season. He's got insane potential, bu...
[quote]It is well past time for those two schools to play a football game.[/quote] Agreed. The reasoning I always heard was around in-state recruiting. It would only hurt Arkansas and help Arkansas State. In the NIL world, that's no longer very relevant. ...
[quote]To be fair, this info isn’t coming from EA, it’s coming from journalists who traveled to experience it in person and they weren’t allowed to take any photos or videos. Everything I’ve heard/read so far about the gameplay has been very positive though.[/quote] Yep, we ain't gonna be seeing ...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOwZjBNX0AAlml3?format=jpg&name=medium[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOwZjAKW8AEY2E1?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]...
[quote]Fast food joints are in a squeeze because they now have to pay expendable labor an unreasonable wage, and nobody wants to pay $8 for a fast food burger.[/quote] Not really. They're making more profit than they ever have. They're just manipulating the market and using that as a dog whistle...
[quote]Greed[/quote] Yep. McDonald's increase in revenue since 2020 outpaces the rate of inflation by a fair amount. They decided to see how high they could push prices to maximize their profits. Fast-forward to 2024, and their growth rate is crashing because they overplayed their hand and ...
[quote]I want to go early 90's. Texas, OU, A&M, Arky, USC, Mizzou.....gtfo.[/quote] Sorry bro. [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNjk1cGJtdXNhNnl6dGNuNmcyenZ6cmlwdm9qdHdyZjN0MTViN2MyNSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/1zRd5ZNo0s6kLPifL1/giphy.webp[/img]...
[quote]yeah until the face buttons stop registering or the bumpers start to stick. The elites are some of the shittiest controllers ever made from a QC standpoint. Plenty of reddit threads with thousands of comments of people complaining.[/quote] Yep, the right bumper recently went out on mine. ...
Yeah, I can't tell if it's a troll or if he's just a bit touched by the Lord. But I'm going with the former....