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Registered on:11/20/2012
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If I post them will you self ban for 12 months and save us all your stupid takes? I have them at arms lengths. As well as a slew of studies using heat maps displaying leftist have wildly inhuman views of empathy and the right doesn’t. Are you absolutely sure you want me to embarrass you in front of ...
At least one of the 14 games has already announced or revealed and it’s Astros playroom 2. I liked the 1st it’s a fun platform game but make of this what you will regarding what we might think of the anticipated games that might not appear. It will have VR functionally so that’s one strike beer jeep...
Since they specified at least some VR titles would be shown and that’s likely their most anticipated PSVR2 title id say your hopes are likely to manifest somewhat. I wouldn’t hope for a release this year though On the offshoot since it is their most popular upcoming VR title but likely not comin...
That’s a massive amount of assumptions you’re designing yourself capable of putting on me. Considering you are a rare poster and it’s incredibly unlikely you’ve seen me enough to truly understand my philosophical ideals. As well as assuming I’m voting for trump being too dumb to recognize his flaws ...
But considering this is a state of play and not a 90 minute Sony showcase Carson you could well be correct. I do expect at least one major highly anticipated 1st party title to be revealed though and that is almost certainly going to be Ghost 2 since it has been in development for about 4 years now ...
Again, I’m not attempting to write my dissertation which if you are so interested in being grammar police I can happily provide you a copy of to see if I am actually a “shitty writer” since you and a few others seem keenly interested. Rather, I was focused on delivering the premise of the OP as conc...
Shhh just ignore that sweep it under the rug as it’s incredibly inconvenient and totally blows any credibility this never even attempted to have out of the water....
I can tell you what I’m absolutely positive I wouldn’t do. And that’s be party to activities seeking to solely take advantage of my child’s death at the hands of nothing more than a random maniac, that is actually incredibly rare occurrences no matter what gun stat distortionanist like the Gifford i...
1st I’ve been far more active on this board far longer than you, and in that time have imo displayed a very very well based and grounded informed perspective on politics and philosophy those that have also been around a long time I’d think would agree. 2nd my comment was not 100% targeted at the ...
You mean the games announced at state of play? I posted a few posts up it could very well be but Sony has been taking a fair amount of public backlash recently with the helldivers 2 account linking fiasco and increasing more scrutiny for the lack of 1st party games on ps5. You could well be right bu...
Resident Evil 9 apparently accidentally went on pre order early on Play-Asia. An Asian collectors company similar to limited run games. The title is Resident Evil 9: Revenant Shadows and has Leon on the cover. You can find pictures floating around but Sony and Capcom are striking them down ASAP. We ...
The correct take anyone sane would immediately understand. Instead we have an alarming amount of people who want to try to justify this kind of thing having to endlessly jump through logic loops twisting themselves into knots all for the reason being id guess because they had kids who were killed tr...
I’m not tech wizard by any means but a layman’s reading of the pros apparent upgrades all include mostly from what I can tell are the things the ps5 itself is now already capable of doing. Maybe the upshot selling point is it is capable of doing it more seemless in some manner or the theoretically h...
It’s hilarious how leftist figs simp for mega corps like they believe they’re best friends ...
You immediately lose all sympathy from me when instead of seeking justice by holding the 4 different law agencies on scene for cowardly gross negligence resulting undoubtedly far more deaths, and instead choose to decide it’s “justice” to sue the corporation on earth with the single highest market c...
It’s not only CoD money they want. They’re suing Activision which yes does make CoD who they’re using as the smoke screen but the mobile game company King is also under their umbrella and now Microsoft. King makes Candy crush which by some estimates makes more money than any “video game” if you cons...
Lol I’m 34 it’s not a young kid thing in my experience. It’s an internet thing almost any millennial who grew up on the internet would know. Anyway can’t wait to see what they show us later today, to in all likelihood be completely underwhelmed and something comical happening where the 14 supposed t...
Nice picture loser. Funny enough not one single apparently busted myth was claimed in the OP. The things in the OP; which are true you can search out the data I used very easily I even produced the name of the firm who conducted it, are actually far worse and more insidious than their supposed myths...
SlowFLO surely thinks it’s a grave tragedy and miscarriage of justice these business were allowed to operate freely and independently without a government appointed board of “managers” to ensure the proper messaging was applied so all school shootings would end immediately ...
[link=(https://youtu.be/SsJshpsN6vs?si=n2GdMq5lGX82hiL_)]Youtube[/link] Link is a 15 min video discussing it from a very underrated conservative commentator Matt Christiansen. This cash grab is ridiculous. I have little sympathy left for them. Sue the various law enforcement cowards instead o...